Beleg said:
Sir Vivian Richards, accomplished West Indian batsman wrote in his Auto-biography, Sir Vivian concerning the Kerry Pecker issue of the late 70's,
''... I felt that cricket had a new commercial image. Cricket needed a face-lift and Kerry Paker gave it to us....'''
As we know the Kerry Pecker fiasco revolutionized Cricket cultivating new trends and leading to many riveting advancements.
But do you feel that this whole new 'face lift' had a detrimental effect on the Game of Cricket itself? The sporting visage of Cricket has been marred by all sorts of transgressions; do you feel the Kerry Packer affair started it all?
A few (ok many) months ago Lucky Eddie (thank you) posted a post from another forum about the media's effect on the game and many of you replied. Thank you because all of that benefitted me and made up the answer to my media exam in January (which will possibly be resat in July - oops :rolleyes: )
Anyway the point is that the media has given the game a face life that it desperately needed. The 'face-lift' brought in the money and audience that the game needed and whilst many will agrue that in the process it 'sold itself out', others will see it as adaption to survive. Whilst baseball and other sports had adapted to the market, cricket had remained stagnant and was losing it's appeal and audience.
What Packer did was create a game that benefitted the audience and since then that has been further advanced in the form of 20Twenty. He repackaged the game and brought it to the public in a form that was easy to disgest. He took to account and addressed in social changes that effected the audience that the traditional form of the game didn't acknowledge.
The pace of life had quickened, colour had been introduced via colour televisions, people desired instant gratifications and Packer invented a form of cricket that gave the public all these things. People no longer have the luxury of being able to spend all day at a match and not still not have an outcome by the end of it all - I certainly don't - and attention spans are shortening in the MTV generation. And sport has changed it's role in life. It's is now a form of entertainment and as such has to compete with other forms - music, television.
I did a lot of opinion polling of fans regarding whether Packer and later 20Twenty had removed the traditions from the game ruining it forever. Some believed it had. The majority however were in favour of the changes.
It provided the game with a new audience - the future of cricket. And many people pointed out that cricket can change numerous times and yet still retain that spirit, that je n'ai sais quoi, that makes it's cricket and that makes it special. The gimmicks have brought the money and the crowds in... it's down to the game to keep them there.