Richard said:
For the last time - the actions were not the ICC's, they were those of various Cricket Boards (The TCCB amongst them). And so what if various courts wouldn't allow bans - fortunately they couldn't influence national selectors, who did what the Cricket Boards told them.
The International Cricket Conferance had sod-all power in 1977 - and The Imperial Cricket Conferance didn't even exist in 1877, it was founded 40 years later.
I have thought about the game without the Packer schism - and I've come to the conclusion that, like so many things in life, there are so many variables, it is impossible to predict with any realism what would have happened if some major event had not happened. People have said that so many times. What if Hitler had been struck by the bullet that missed his head by a whisker in WWI? No-one can even begin to guess.
yes ..the ICC did have a major part to play in imposing bans on players....hence the court battles vs the ICC.
The impact of WSC was immense..the game was slowly dying a sorry death, players were dropping out of teams due to financial implications of them missing work etc.
The fact of the matter is attendences rose,players were treated better, the game became a spectator sport again (white ball, night cricket etc).
I for one was a kid who got into cricket thanks to the effects of Packer...saw a day night game in Australia on TV, thought it looked brilliant,loved all the little gimmicks that Channel 9 used, made the game exciting...i was hooked ever since, and I will guarantee I am not the only person who was influenced in that way.
To attract kids to the game (which it did) can only be a good thing (hence for me 20/20 cricket is such an important step to have taken)...more kids playing, means more kids developing into great players....who are getting paid good money to entertain the crowds of people flocking to see them play.
Yes, maybe the Packer affair also was the start of the era of cricket becoming more financially aware,possibly too financially aware(!!!), but the game needed to change with the times, or the game would have now been looked upon as very much a minority sport.