Son Of Coco
Cricket Web: All-Time Legend
Exactly right, damn Aussies!in terms of the Symonds case, it's time Aussies got some of their own medicine
Shouldn't your name be 'Collyfan MBE'?
Exactly right, damn Aussies!in terms of the Symonds case, it's time Aussies got some of their own medicine
You can't make everyone like you though, sometimes people are going to hate you no matter what you do...and in that case you simply have to say 'l8er h8er'!sorry i dont got to get the respect also......
I don't remember saying it was?![]()
There it is in black and white my friend! Nowhere to run to now!Winning is Everything!!!
hmm, first of all, no, I never said it was wrong to have likes and dislikes, but there is a way to express them. Flame-baiting is not on, not on internet forums and not in real life. There is a reason why people don't mind others expressing their likes and dislikes, but they do mind when it goes beyond all norms of decency and starts to become a flame-bait. It starts unnecessary things and things can get out of hand pretty quickly. I am sure every poster here hates some player/some team or even both, but we all don't go around putting it in our sigs and making fun of them childishly and even insulting them here in these is called freedom of speech.. we need to have the right to openly state and tell what we like and what we don't like.. i am sorry if u mind it... as a fan of a team u need to have the gut and patiance to accept all these since in a game everyone's favorite team differes from case of india it ins't personal it is just the team that i hate.. with the exception of sachin and yovraj singh there is no one in that team to like.. they are rabbish players.. if they get lucky and win a match with thier win being a fluke.. there is more than 300 post in homepage of about thier win..
i don't see any reason why i would like indian team.... apart from sachin and yovraj and sometimes gangully i don't see any cricketer to like in that team...if u think i should like indian team because of morans like sreesanth, agerker, harbanjan singh, or even anil kamble.. i much rather watch kenya vs bangladish.. at least they try to win and play cricket with a good spirit... with respect for each other
I don't think the Aussies were humble in victory like the West Indies of the 80s were. So that would make this bunch and what they do bad?I personally felt he has every right to express his opinion. I also felt that India had celebrated in an extreme manner just like England when they won the Ashes.
Symonds also stated that when Australia wins, they are more humble in their victory which I agree with. I think it is quite evident in the current series, where Australia are keeping a low profile and winning games, while India is all over the media for no real good reason.
I don't mind playing to win, but honestly, winning fair will always give me more satisfaction than winning dirty.Rules are there to stop people cheating, which is good. Drugs obviously come under the category of cheating, which wasn't what I meant when I said that small infringements can be tolerated and accepted. You always have to be playing the game hard, but pushing the letter of the law in order for your team to get an advantage and victory.
yeah, I agree that the appealing part was quite unnecessary and deserving of severe reprimand, just like how Gilchrist was deserving of all that for the way he went after the umpire inspite of being the captain and supposed to set the example...So there are a couple of things that he's done that these guys haven't done. Look I have no problem with a bit of a chat on the field. And if anyone thinks it shouldn't happen at all then I think they're living in a bit of a dreamworld. Sreesanth is overstepping the mark now, as a couple of players have in the past. They cop it from all and sundry and so should he. His behaviour is slightly ridiculous at the moment.
Time for you to go and learn english again.
There it is in black and white my friend! Nowhere to run to now!![]()
first of i wana clear this...i don't hate indian team cuz i hate indians, or i hate hindus (since i am a muslim).. or any other raciest reason.. i would get effended if someone would label me that.. second i have never thought of the way u r thinking about it.. u r entitled to ur thoughts and opinions but u r totally blowing this out of porportion.. i have never intended to make it flame baiting... if anyone takes it the way ur discribing whatever in my siggy and and because of that hates indian or start a conflict then that person would be nothing else but a moran and idoit..hmm, first of all, no, I never said it was wrong to have likes and dislikes, but there is a way to express them. Flame-baiting is not on, not on internet forums and not in real life. There is a reason why people don't mind others expressing their likes and dislikes, but they do mind when it goes beyond all norms of decency and starts to become a flame-bait. It starts unnecessary things and things can get out of hand pretty quickly. I am sure every poster here hates some player/some team or even both, but we all don't go around putting it in our sigs and making fun of them childishly and even insulting them here in these boards.
Forget about the fact that whatever you have said about Indian players being "rubbish" is just plain wrong, but there is a better way of putting your likes and dislikes. If you don't like the Indian team, then why do you care so much about them? Putting things like "I support anyone who plays against India" is open for misinterpretation. People may well think that you have a problem with India, the country than the Indian cricket team. And that is a dangerous thing to get into. Richard doesn't like Hayden much as a player, but does he go around writing insulting stuff about him in his sig and in the thread whenever he fails.
It is human right to have likes and dislikes but in a public place, there is a way to put them across. It is called being society conscious. There is a reason why people say that racist comments in public places are bad. Those idiots are entittled to their racist opinions just like you are entitled to hate the Indian cricket team. But publicly showing them and showing them in such a way that is basically insulting certain players and teams and their supporters is just not on. You don't like the Indian team and you enjoy them getting beaten. That is fine, you have said it once, so now let us all just move on.
And for God's sake, please don't watch cricket just because you want to see a certain team lose. From experience, I can only tell you that the game is only enjoyable when you watch it for the game's sake. Enjoy the good performances, be it from whomever. And if that is not always possible, at least try to watch it from a positive angle, like deciding to support some team that you do think is NOT rubbish. Maybe Pakistan. If you have decided that you are going to hate them because they lost to India, pretty soon, you will have to hate all teams.... In cricket, every team will lose to every other team at some time or the other. Pakistan are a good team with great potential. So enjoy watching the fine spells of Asif, the spunky batting of Younis Khan and Kamran Akmal, the lazy elegance of Mohammed Yousuf etc. I am just advising you as a friend here, watching a game (any sport) with a perverse mindset like wanting to see a team/player lose, will take out all enjoyment out of watching the sport....
O lny srmat poelpe can raed that is really mature...of u and ss..
i wana clear this.. i come to this website because i enjoy posting... if i wanted to write an eassy and submit with correct spelling and grammer i would never come here cuz it won't be fun for me to go and check dictionaries for correct spelling everytime i post something her.. i am not a good speller and as i have seen afew other people whose native language is english and they are n't good at it also...
O lny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.
cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if
you can raed tihs psas it on !!
spelling is never a problem man only thing is they should understand wht u r are trying to convey![]()
He's not saying that at all. He agrees with you.and u r point is that i don't make sense since i spell words wrong... i havn't seen it this way.. i think as long as i make sense it is good... but if u r pointing out that spelling is important then why ur spelling u "u" and not you
Why is Anil Kumble a moron?if u think i should like indian team because of morans like sreesanth, agerker, harbanjan singh, or even anil kamble.. i much rather watch kenya vs bangladish.. at least they try to win and play cricket with a good spirit... with respect for each other
Ha ha thats right........he should concentrate more on his bowling other than these crappy stuffsWell being 12th man hasn't kept him out of trouble.
eh????Why is Anil Kumble a moron?
i thought i was supporting youand u r point is that i don't make sense since i spell words wrong... i havn't seen it this way.. i think as long as i make sense it is good... but if u r pointing out that spelling is important then why ur spelling u "u" and not you
For that matter, what did poor Agarkar ever do to anyone?Why is Anil Kumble a moron?