Blewy said:
3 words Lord, Get over it....
Im sorry but i try to do something good for the people who lost players BUT once again what do we get????
Retirements are part of life, you were not entitled to rookies, and if you want i will take them back and force you to keep 10 from your original squad, would you prefer that??? Thats what the people had to do last season....
I think this is the best thing to do as many of the teams are getting undue advantage over us and it should be same as the last season.It should had been announced at the start of the season that rookie would be given to the teams whose players will retire.
You can see yourself the QLD side for eg.They lost 3 of their worst players and a good one and got 2 great rookies and 3 good ones.Now their team is fully made.They dont need any more player.This is totally unfair.
I thing no youth should be alloted and the retirements should be accepted as they are.
OR another option only if finance is added
All the retired players will have a salary which will be given to the teams to invest.I think this will be the fairest of all only if finance is included.
I think to allot rookies for the retired players is absolutely unfair.
In real many players who retire prematurely come back.EG J Srinath,C Hooper etc. And always players retire from 1st class much later than tests.Only 1 out of 1000 retire early.
I think the best solution is to not to allot rookies as the teams get undue advantage and the question is what we have done wrong.
All the teams have at least one great rookie except mine and hamp.I know its luck of the draw but not fair at all.