You should read and watch the clips and pics posted here before deciding to assume so many falsehoods.
Mate, I almost always read the thread and look at pics etc first, particularly when something is controversial.
But in this instance just watching the actual footage was enough to cast an opinion.
You're not only one of the most experienced posters here but one of the very best, and I always enjoy your thoughts.
But here we just have to agree to disagree, because basically you're either in the camp where it's OK to do this, or your not.
You can talk about the rule book all day if you want to, and I'm surprised how much you have tbh, but personally I wouldn't waste 5 seconds
reading about this rule or even trying to understand, simply because I wouldn't dream of producing it during play.
Also very surprised to hear you say that you don't think this incident has anything to do with having a decent spirit to the game.
Again, your either for it or your against it, and doubt there's very little in between, but if you are for it, then you need to applaud when this play
is made, congratulate the bowler on the fantastic play and celebrate the wicket, and to me this is just pure awful.