Norwood's on Fire
Some were, and some were cheering. He has the duelling chants going on.The week Orton won the NO#1 contenders for the Royal Rumble, they were givin it to Cena like no tomorrow.
Some were, and some were cheering. He has the duelling chants going on.The week Orton won the NO#1 contenders for the Royal Rumble, they were givin it to Cena like no tomorrow.
Haha, was wondering how long it would take for someone to make that joke.stfu_ben
Booed him loud enough to get a reaction out of Cena.Some were, and some were cheering. He has the duelling chants going on.
What specifically has been screwed up regarding the booking, out of interest.What do you mean if Hogan/Bischoff screw up the booking. They have done nothing but for the last six weeks.
Yeah - because he's a pro and rather than pretending everyone cheers him, he acknowledge his status. Unlike, oh I dunno, Hulk Hogan circa early 90s.Booed him loud enough to get a reaction out of Cena.
- The abandoning of all previous storylines upon Hogan/Bischoff's arrivalWhat specifically has been screwed up regarding the booking, out of interest.
Yes, that is slightly disappointing, but it probably is easier for Bischoff and Hogan to start afresh rather than to give existing storylines a half assed effort.- The abandoning of all previous storylines upon Hogan/Bischoff's arrival
Ooh, you definitely have a point here. However, I guess Lashley can be fired (and I believe he is actually gone) for the bad behaviour involving beating up superstars and throwing a strop.- Russoesque multiple versions of the same storylines (Lashley, Foley being fired, Angle trying to quit, Flair being told they can't fire him because he signed his contract before they joined, this right after they fired Lashley, who, yep, signed his contract before they signed)
Bit weird, but I think it was a one show signing which had some intent to lead to a long term deal. He was there to add impact (- Jeff Hardy making a grand debut and then....Jeff?
He did have the Feast or Fired case and I do believe that a few weeks off was probably necessary to turn him from weirdo with facepaint to face Joe.- Samoa Joe not appearing on TV (and a PPV) for a few weeks and then fighting for the title all of a sudden
Was "The Band".- Unexplained mystery beatups on the 4th
They beat Big Rob and Brutus in a webmatch, this week.- Where the **** are Beer Money?
No problem there, good high profile feud. Nasty Boys aren't too bad in the ring either.- Nasty-Dudley feud getting more attention than the tag belts
Overcritical, Hogan had the brass-knuckles and was a high profile face turn/clarification.- Kurt Angle getting take out by The Band before Hogan managed to beat them both up. Way to make your top face look good.
Guess they'll pile on the action in the coming weeks.- Lack of TV time for your X-Division Champ in the last four weeks right before an al X-Divsion PPV is announced for next month
Yes, was a bit village.- The Band having their faces on the opening titles and entrance music despite not being allowed in
Daniels jobbing to Val Venis (then Hernandez) was disappointing, after he competed for the title, but I'm sure even Hogan knows he is established and therefore, uses him in an Eight Card Stud qualifier and for a match against the debuting Val Venis.Add in questionable results like Daniels jobbing to Val Venis and that's why I have little respect for it. I'll watch it if it's on but it has me shaking my head so, so much. I'm not saying you shouldn't like it,each to their own. But for me, compared to what WWE are doing at the minute, TNA has no chance of establishing itself as a threat.
Don't see the point in unannounced one night signings though? Doesn't give you any momentum, and they've had his face on the credits.Bit weird, but I think it was a one show signing which had some intent to lead to a long term deal. He was there to add impact () to the January 4th show and did so, if they could get him on a long term deal, he could really help TNA. On the note of January 4th, what a shocker of an opening match to get things kicked off, eH.
Both true, but it's still no way to build up a contender IMO.He did have the Feast or Fired case and I do believe that a few weeks off was probably necessary to turn him from weirdo with facepaint to face Joe.
Was this actually confirmed?Was "The Band".
So that seems a bit of a pointless use of them to me..They beat Big Rob and Brutus in a webmatch, this week.
Well your opinion on the feud aside, a tag team feud should not be the top tag team feud i it isn't for the belts.No problem there, good high profile feud. Nasty Boys aren't too bad in the ring either.
Still makes Angle look weak as piss to me, my anti-Hogan bias may be shining through here. Any criticism anyone ever levies at Triple H applies to Hogan times a thousand,asid from sleeping with a McMahon of course.Overcritical, Hogan had the brass-knuckles and was a high profile face turn/clarification.
Which is short-sighted, hotshot booking. Breaking Point wasn't a great idea by WWE last year but they built to this by having wrestlers use submission moves for a few months prior.Guess they'll pile on the action in the coming weeks.
For me, WWE is gripping at the minute, sure you have an idea what will happen but not completely. Wrestling should never be as unpredictable as Vince Russo likes it to be as it means it's not being booked logically.No doubt though, some of the booking has been poor compared to WWE, but I just feel that amongst this lack of professionalism lies an unpredictability which just isn't there with WWE.
O rly, the Saturday night edition is the most recent one - didn't know that.Impact is only two days delayed her tbf, airs on a Saturday
TNA PPVs are no longer aired free in the UK so I am going to look to stream it live.TNA PPV's used to be on the Wednesday after it was shown in the US when I was watching it, think they started around 10pm. Not sure if it's still the same now, but it certainly used to be that way.
Ooh, vicious! Doubt I'll be able to keep myself entertained until then, especially since it is not certain that I could find a stream, so I'll probs look for replays tomorrow or on Tuesday. I'll try to keep myself from the results, until then.That sucks, used to be pretty good being able to catch the PPV's on a Wednesday night. Against All Odds is starting at 8pm ET, and there's a 5 hour time difference, so it'll start at 1am here =]
This is the typical Vince McMahon "my company is better than yours" attitude at it's worst. I appreciate the fact that Danielson has not worked in the E before and needs to start at the bottom, I wouldn't object to him being mentored so to speak by any of the others, but this strikes me as a very cheap pop at him and the internet wrestling scene. It doesn't bother me all that much, but I still find it petty and stupid.I'm really liking the concept of WWE NXT. It seems like it's going to be WWE's version of The Ultimate Fighter. It's going to be 8 rookies with 8 pro's mentoring them. It sounds like great television and to see these young guys and get introduced to their personalities really seems like a great concept for a television show.
Of course it helps in getting these guys exposure, getting them on screen and helping them to become over with the fans before actually just plunging them into the deep ends of Raw or Smackdown. The 8 pro's are Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Christian, Matt Hardy, Carlito, R-Truth, The Miz and MVP.
The most funny of the match ups are with The Miz apparently being the mentor of Bryan Danielson. I don't know if that was intentional on WWE's part but having The Miz be the mentor for one of the greatest wrestlers in the world is kind of laughable. Bryan Danielson has tons more worldwide wrestling experience than The Miz and it's just funny how he's positioned as the rookie and The Miz is positioned as the mentor.
That being said, I'm not completely against the idea as Bryan Danielson may be one of the greatest wrestlers in the world, The Miz is one of the most charismatic and one of the most over wrestlers in WWE so The Miz may be beneficial to Bryan Danielson in developing some charisma and a personality. There's a great feud for the United States Championship down the line as well with Danielson's ability to outshine The Miz in terms of in ring work.