Cena making Roman look a complete joke on the mic every week is galling. I understand the intrigue in worked shoots but it smells of lazy booking. Surely they could come up with something interesting with two of their biggest stars while remaining true to kayfabe?Yeah was a typo, good matches is what I meant... dunno, this feud feels like it's just continuing the "Oh look we're totally shooting here" thing just because the first segment worked well. Still perfectly good, since it's the first time in a while I'm actually kind of intrigued by a storyline, but they need Reigns to just get pissed soon and start kicking Cena's ass instead of trying to take him on on the mic.
Cena is repeatedly making Roman look a clown on the mic for sure. What draws me in though is that this is two of the E's bona fide stars in a program.together. I think Reigns will beat him, but whenever you get two genuine A listers lined up like this, it always grabs my attention, even.if the elements of the feud itself are a bit eh.Cena making Roman look a complete joke on the mic every week is galling. I understand the intrigue in worked shoots but it smells of lazy booking. Surely they could come up with something interesting with two of their biggest stars while remaining true to kayfabe?
I dunno, the whole feud is a big disappointment to me so far.
Really? I just did a quick google and apparently the app doesn't work but the website (njpwworld) does?I've been told there's no legal way of watching it in India, otherwise I'd have been there yesterday.
I'll try tomorrow at work. If it works then they can take my money. Just take it.Really? I just did a quick google and apparently the app doesn't work but the website (njpwworld) does?
Yeah, this is what Solomonster said iirc. Bith if them, but especially Cena, are coming across like.total assholes.It's on creative imo. These are their two biggest stars and this is the best they can do? Logical booking is to hide the negatives and accentuate the positives and they've hung their next "face of the company" out to dry.
Cena even saying "This one's not on me, Roman's burying himself" was so bad on so many levels for me. They've made Roman look a joke even if he does win the match/series and I'm starting to hate Cena now too for his part in all this. It stinks.
Dunno a tually, he pretty much never mentiins it. Dunno if that's a good or bad sign.Haha, haven't listened to his poddy for ages. How's his fight with cancer going?
He is always saying how hard the weeks have been, though.Dunno a tually, he pretty much never mentiins it. Dunno if that's a good or bad sign.