Going to do a few Wrestlemanias this week to build up to WM 32. Starting with 24
Not a huge fan of daytime Wrestlemanias but it looks a little dark so hopefully won't be too long till were under lights.
Starting off with JBL vs Finlay because JBL beat up Hornswoggle, the video recap of the feud is kinda hilarious. Rounding off the Hornswoggle is Vinces son angle from the Mr Kennedy saga. JBL still a heat machine, decent pop for Finlay, surprisingly large one for Hornswoggle. But TBF JR says he was recovering from kayfabe injuries. Wrasslin folks.
Start off hot and immediately bring out weapons. Unprotected head shots are still a thing. Also JR, bless you JR. Crowd is decently into this, quite a few Finlay chants. A couple Irish flags on hard camera. Oh holy ****, suicide dive from the angry ball of muscle Finlay is met with an unprotected headshot. And Hornswoggle just got hit with a trashcan JBL threw at him. This is glorious. They've given this match at least fifteen minutes, a lot of fun. 3.25/5
Kim Kardashian the special guest host? FMD and people complain about Reigns promos.
Money in the bank ladder match, no video recaps to introduce it. Taz and a voice I don't recognise commentating, a little less amped. Johnny Mundo and Carlito first to walk out, oh thank god JR is still commentating. Shelton Benjamin has pyro and shiny golden trunks. Gold standard, ah that's the gimmick they went with. Oh hey CM Punk. Biggest pop of MITB, some serious screaming in his entrance music. Not a fan. Mr. Kennedy out next, and no one cares. Even the people in the ring aisle don't seem to care much. MVP the U.S. Champion out, gets a sort of Wrestlemania entrance, special little thing to run out of and cool pyro. Michael Cole and Coach also commentating. Yay Y2J is in this too, biggest entrance by a mile. IC champ at the time too. Haha **** you lower great worker belts, you're in the ladder match.
One minute in and Mundo just moonsaulted with a ladder into four guys. Holy ****, sunset flip, powerbomb, suplex off the ladder, **** these guys are awesome. Aaaaaand Shelton botches his next spot. Ah the replay reveals the ladder just bent under his weight after jumping on it. Sorry Shelton. And Shelton takes the break the ladder in half bump too. R.i.p. Matt Hardy run in gets the biggest pop of the night so far, appears to not be a fan of MVP. Sorta incredible how this match full of talents who should be the faces of the company around now features only the veteran Jericho as someone still in the WWE. Oh, so Johnny Mundo lost his balls there eh. Top of the ladder straight onto the rope. God, what a glorious spotfest.wait where the **** did Carlito get an apple. Punk wins. Just a spotfest, but what a spotfest. Jericho so close

HOF wrap up, God Ric Flairs the best, also seems to be exactly the same age as he is today, and probably was ten years prior. 100 year old Mae Young pretending to strip. Hey look baby Charlotte is there for Ric Flair. Bet she had NFI in eight years she would be wrestling at Wrestlemania.
Oh hey it's snoop Dogg, wonder if he will turn up for Sasha. Snoop Dogg is feuding with Santino. Wrasslin. Mick Foley and Snoop also friends.
It's pretty much night now. All is well.
Smackdown vs Raw match for brand supremacy. Management with William Regal is Raw, Teddy Long is Smackdown. Raw: Umaga, Smackdown: Batista. God Umagas entrance music is terrible, straight early 90s rubbish. Batista is selling everything so hard it's kinda hilarious. Also we have some Bootista from the audience already. The crowd definitely seem to be behind Umaga and booing Batista, particularly some smarky looking assholes at the front. Booking Bayista as a plucky underdog is slightly dire. Totally ****ed up his Batista Bomb too. Was fairly short. 2.25/5
ECW championship, the legendary heat machine and producer of Lucha Underground Chavo Guerrero facing Kane who won a battle Royale in the preshow to face him. Impressive display of lack of interest in a brands top belt. Kane comes in from behind

choke slam. Over. That's so Chavo. 5/5 on the Chavo scale. 1/5 otherwise. I wonder if Kane even knows what ECW is, looks like he won a gift voucher at ****ing Arby's or something, keeps looking at the belt like he's trying to figure out what an ECW championship means.
Carlito is being attacked by a seagull in what can only be described as the best vignette of all time.
Sick kids now being shown from Make a Wish foundation, as is Wrestlemania tradition.
Flair vs. HBK looks like it had a fantastic build up.