But at his absolute best he was only ever serviceable. That was literally the extent of his contributions. For him, a good game was one in which he didn't make any glaring errors, it never got any better than that. You could say the same for the majority of those other defenders I mentioned. I can't remember a single moment where I thought Clichy's contribution to a match was significant, unless it was one of his horrible clangers. Sure, he's relatively decent at tackling and making interceptions, but again you could say that about Cygan. This is not enough for a player in a top side, and it was vital for Arsenal to get rid imo. There were no other positive aspects to his game, and his dreadful concentration, judgement and position sense made him a complete liability for mine. I could get over this if he balanced out his inadequacies with something genuinely positive rather than just being serviceable, but he never, ever did.Nah, Clichy was **** at times and had a tendency to randomly slip over a lot which cost us at times but he was actually more than servicable for a great deal of his Arsenal career
Another thing that infuriates me is that somehow he's managed to cultivate this image of him being an attacking fullback, but this is a total myth, because he is nothing of the sort. Can't pass, can't cross, can't shoot, can't run with the ball. God he is bad.