There's no way I'd be playing Raphael ahead of him regardless though. Reckon it probably stems from Klinger being a bit of a dick and asking not to open; just a gut feel though.Head started the season really well, but fell away badly. He's only a kid, getting dropped won't hurt him long term. Just needs to keep improving. Wouldn't surprise me at all to see him have a huge Shield season next year.
Was this a thing?There's no way I'd be playing Raphael ahead of him regardless though. Reckon it probably stems from Klinger being a bit of a dick and asking not to open; just a gut feel though.
Yeah being dropped for Raphael is a bit harsh. Raph is a dick. Michelangelo would be cool, or Donatelo. Leo's a bit up himself though.There's no way I'd be playing Raphael ahead of him regardless though. Reckon it probably stems from Klinger being a bit of a dick and asking not to open; just a gut feel though.
Fui on the angry pills ftr.NSW captain Steve Smith: “Whoever comes in, it’s the same principle. We’ve just got to try and make them uncomfortable through aggression.”
reminder that bollinger will be replaced by either best copeland or can do sandhu
Unless we get into trouble, then it can piss down like Noah.O'Keefers MOTM.
Should be a good game this.Hopefully the weather holds off.