Still repeating the old lines I see

. I love it how you make Harbhajan blacker than the devil himself whereas Symonds is a poor little angel who has been wronged.
OK two things:
1) There is absolutely no proof that Harbhajan racially abused Symonds - so get off your high horse on that one. If Symonds admitted before Justice Hansen, that he couldn't be certain that Harbhajan did racially abuse him, how do you expect Harbhajan to be convicted ? If you're going to accuse someone of racism, at least be damn sure of what they said.
2) Symonds is no saint himself and I don't have a lot of sympathy for him even if he Harbhajan did use the alleged slur. He made some highly arrogant and provocative comments about India prior to going there. Symonds also was involved in several clashes with Indian players in that ODI series where he was clearly the provacateur. There is also no doubt that he provoked Harbhajan in that incident in Sydney.
Sounds to me like the Aussies want to have their cake and eat it too - Harbhajan alleges that the Australians taunted him about his ***uality - this is considered highly offensive on the subcontinent. SO let me get this straight - its ok for the Aussies to say that to Harbhajan but if Harbhajan uses a slur against one of the Aussie players, that's automatically unacceptable.
If you're going to be nasty to someone then chances are they're going to be nasty in turn to you.
....its a bit rich to cry afterwards that oh we're the innocent party in all this.
As Gandhi summed it up nicely, an eye for an eye makes the world blind.