I'm so, so with you on this except I'd be more emphatic:
I know for sure that most people who use the term "literally" have no idea what it means, and think it means the polar opposite of what the word actually means.
Example for the gramatically challenged:
"Literally slap them around like a bitch" means that they actually raised their hands and made physical contact to the face.
Their is three ways to remedy this:
1. Replace the word "literally" with either "Figuratively" or "metaphorically" (hope i got the spellings right) but only if you know the context in which to use those words.
Don't ever use "literally" not even if your 100% sure that you now understand the meaning.(consider it a punishment for misuse)
3. Use a low brow term instead that actually means what you want it to mean; try:
kinda like Slapin em like a bitch
itsa bit like Slapin em like a bitch
theybee Slapin em like a bitch
Lesson Complete!