Eyes not spreadsheets
I think maybe you need to.Scaly piscine said:Learn what mediocre means.
If they were so mediocre and Ramprakash and Hick weren't, how come the selectors kept picking them?
I think maybe you need to.Scaly piscine said:Learn what mediocre means. piscine said:Learn what mediocre means.
This is the same no contest as last time, people making utterly irrelevant comments, ignoring the context or not knowing what mediocre means.
Ramprakash and Hick were not moderate or inferior in quality compared to Atherton/Hussain. They were both merely poor performers for reasons outside of their actual quality of their play, they still had the quality they just didn't always display it in Tests, it makes them poor Test players not mediocre - which as I keep saying relates to their quality of shots, defence, technique etc.LongHopCassidy said:
"Moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary."
At Test level Ramprakash and Hick certainly were. I don't think insulting people's intelligence will justify your argument. Or win you many allies.
I think I posted this in the previous thread as well...Scaly piscine said:They were both merely poor performers
OR performance and as I said last time dictionaries tend to waffle so they cover all the bases, including incorrect ones. Most dictionaries do not include performance in the definitionDasa said:Main Entry: me·di·o·cre
Pronunciation: "mE-dE-'O-k&r
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin mediocris, from medius middle + Old Latin ocris stony mountain; akin to Latin acer sharp -- more at EDGE
: of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance
I think I posted this in the previous thread as well...
I'm flattered.EnglishRose said:no iam not a muppet.......the english muppets are tec, richard, marc, scaly piscine, superkingdave, hinton, rubble, swervy, spacemonkey, halsey.
The nonsense posted by these guys is appalling.
the quality posters are people like Scallywag.
As I said some of them waffle on like thesauri and only a complete idiot would readily use/accept EVERY alternative definition or word listed. Also as I said before most dictionaries do not mention performance at all.marc71178 said:So you know more than the dictionary, right...
Look at a range of dictionaries and you'll get dictionaries defining the same word differently, they can't all be right. The majority don't mention performance because it's naff all to do with performance.marc71178 said:So in spite of a dictionary defining something, it's still wrong.
hmm, i should have made myself clearer. i meant that out of 17 dropped catches in 5 tests, 15 came in the slip cordon.Top_Cat said:You don't honestly expect anyone to believe that any Test side would drop 90% of the slips catches that come their way, do you?.
hes decent, but hes definetly not as great as he was made out to be.Top_Cat said:And considering Warne generally bowls 20-odd overs in a Test day, his catching rate is pretty solid.
bit strange then that the 15 dropped catches in 5 tests, included the series in india where warne did play then.vic_orthdox said:I'm pretty sure that he was referring to the 03/04 series in Australia, when Warne was missing.
oh really?Scaly piscine said:The context was England players with 50 Tests since 1990ish, the fact that no-one managed a decent argument against Atherton & Hussain being the most mediocre in that bracket escapes the witless waffler. Still he spends every conscious moment trying to outpost Motson with equally nonsensical brain-dead tripe, so you wouldn't expect him to even manage to come up with one single point.
of course sherlock, so please, tell me how atherton who could play almost every shot in the book had less shots than butcher who only drives, cuts and flicks?Scaly piscine said:Nope, Ramprakash had far more shots, class etc. than Hussain & Atherton - mediocre is not a measure of performance remember. Butcher is closer but I'd say he had more shots and class than Hussain & Atherton.
and of course mental ability and shot selection has no relation to quality. pure geniusScaly piscine said:Ramprakash and Hick were not moderate or inferior in quality compared to Atherton/Hussain. They were both merely poor performers for reasons outside of their actual quality of their play, they still had the quality they just didn't always display it in Tests, it makes them poor Test players not mediocre - which as I keep saying relates to their quality of shots, defence, technique etc.
So, the few definitions that match your context are to be taken as gospel truth, then?Scaly piscine said:Look at a range of dictionaries and you'll get dictionaries defining the same word differently, they can't all be right. The majority don't mention performance because it's naff all to do with performance.
The vast majority of definitions actually, if not all, relate mediocre to class or qualityLongHopCassidy said:So, the few definitions that match your context are to be taken as gospel truth, then?