Wow. What a first day, nobody could have expected that. What is with this groundsman though, producing a wicket which has uneven bounce on the first day? Egad.
That being said, McGrath is an amazing bowler and I've rarely seen a better spell from the farmer. Indefatigable. He's probably won this game for Aus now, however I reckon GBH will still have a say second innings and it'll be uncomfortable for Aus batters; I hope their gloves are up to standard for their sakes.
Impressed with KP from England's perspective, playing the "Thorpe" role ironically.
All we can hope for now is try to edge as close to 190 as possible, then bowl aggresively and put the wind up Aus again; (injured) fingers crossed for a 250-odd chase starting late today

. Not that I think we'd chase it but.
Amazing start to the Ashes, what?