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Muralitharan a burglar,a thief and a dacoit : Bedi


International Coach
KaZoH0lic said:
His deformity does not equate the consistency/accuracy of a McGrath, for example.
You're kidding yourself if you think McGrath has gotten where he has purely through "hard work". He is very talented.
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International Coach
Where does it end though? Soon will guys with miniature bowling machines for arms be allowed to bowl?

Murali's deformity gives him an advantage that no one else could possibly have without that deformity. Things such as reflexes, co-ordination and strength can be worked on throughout one's career. The bend in your elbow cannot.
Perhaps they can be worked on but they are primarily a result of natural talent.


International Coach
No, his arm was bent which is unfair just like Murali. Biomechanics is a joke they are worse than Stats men imo

You listen to them, I will take my eye every time.

My last post on this subject as we go around in circles:wacko:
Very disappointed to see such a post from you, mate.


International Coach
Sanz said:
Murali's deformity didn't appear in 1999, He was a good/decent bowler before that but in last 8 years he has been exceptional and to suggest that it is not because of hard work is totally incorrect and very very unfair.
Excellent point.

By the way, SS - clearly on track for a long-awaited Afridi this week.


Global Moderator
A tad harsh for mine, I don't agree with Archie but I don't see why you'd be that disappointed as such. I thought Dasa's response was pretty good itbt.
Agreed. That sort of sentence has the connotations that, just because you like someone they should have the same opinion as you.


State 12th Man
Really need to get Murali's father's views on this.

"My Murali is not a chucker. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a chucker, but he is NOT a porn star!"
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International Coach
A tad harsh for mine, I don't agree with Archie but I don't see why you'd be that disappointed as such. I thought Dasa's response was pretty good itbt.
Agreed. That sort of sentence has the connotations that, just because you like someone they should have the same opinion as you.
Fair enough. Bit of an overreaction on my part but seeing such a post from someone that I hold in high regard is slightly disappointing. Certainly not a terrible post but it's more than just a "difference in opinion" case for me. Believing that Murali chucks is a difference in opinion but suggesting that scientists (biomechanists) have no credibility is something else IMO. Anyways, not a big deal.
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Hall of Fame Member
And Chandra ? It is clear that he benefitted from whatever physical deformation he had due to whatever he suffered as a child.

I dont understand how they are different, didn't you suggest that there are seperate competitions for people with physical deformation esp if it makes your performance deficient ?
Again, the example is still off. Where is Chandra and where is Murali...in terms of that advantage. Chandra used it to his advantage, but it never made him anything more than a very good bowler. Murali on the other-hand is pushing legacy status because of his.

Different competitions are needed when the sportsman in question is clearly deficient because of his abnormality. Why would you want him to compete with others anyway? Because it is exclusive? IF that person can overcome their abnormality to play with the others, and of course not breaking the rules of the game, then why not?

But, an Abnormality that hinders your playing is quite different to one that enhances your playing.
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Hall of Fame Member
What about fast twitch muscle ratio? If you are born with 100%, you can't do much about it and Kaz thinks that should be grounds for preventing that person from joining a sport...which IMO is ridiculous.
Um, the example we were talking about was tennis. There frankly is no human on earth with that description, that they can hit the ball at 180mph. So frankly, the example is preposterous.


International Coach
KaZoH0lic said:
Again, the example is still off. Where is Chandra and where is Murali...in terms of that advantage. Chandra used it to his advantage, but it never made him anything more than a very good bowler. Murali on the other-hand is pushing legacy status because of his.
Does that suggest that Murali's success can be attributed to more than just a deformity? Why is he the only bowler with a deformity who is this damn good?

How is Murali's success even relevant in the first place? Sanz earlier showed Murali's drastic improvement in the second half of his career - your response? Why are you only worried about "unfair competition" due to a deformity when it poses a threat to your beloved cricketers?
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Hall of Fame Member
The term "deformity" is very much a social and cultural construction, and usually only contextual in basis, depending on the society and the area of its use.

However, to say that Murali does not deserve his wickets...lol!

Kazo and Sideshow = small-minded, petty, little men.
Actually, you're post is quite disgraceful. Argue the logic, don't attack the poster. And don't put words into my mouth. I clearly was giving Murali that credit the whole way through. You're ridiculous.


International Coach
KaZoH0lic said:
I clearly was giving Murali that credit the whole way through.
Perhaps I am wrong here ... but haven't you been saying that Murali doesn't belong in international cricket because he has an unfair advantage? Aren't you then implying that he doesn't deserve the hundreds of wickets he has taken at this level?


Hall of Fame Member
Very little difference, actually. A sprinter with abnormally fast twitch fibers definitely poses a disadvantage to his competition.
Uh, no. Clearly you are ignoring the point that was made in regards to not only advantaging yourself but disadvantaging your opposition. Quite a rather elementary difference.

First of all, the majority of sports legends over the decades have been abnormal freaks in one way or another. You enter a competition with whatever mental and physical traits you have - an "unfair" advantage is something external, i.e., steroids. The special olympics are irrelevant - that's a competition for people who can't even do everyday chores properly. You're making it seem like Murali has ten fingers and a bowling machine implanted in his hand.
Was Ali great because he was deformed? Are Tiger Woods, Maradona, Sampras, Schumacher...?

Abormal TALENTS, yes, but not ABNORMAL in a deformed way.

I am not making it seem like Murali is has 10 fingers and a bowling machine in his hand, but his abnormality, his deformity, is aiding him very much so, and it is NOT equal with someone else's hard-worked talent.

You're kidding yourself if you think McGrath has gotten where he has purely through "hard work". He is very talented.
*Bangs head on the table* Talent =/= Deformity. To be very accurate and a very great wicket taker is not a deformity, nor is it an abnormality. To have a double-jointed wrist and a kink in your elbow IS. You're equating to unlike things here.


Hall of Fame Member
Murali's deformity gives him an advantage that no one else could possibly have without that deformity. Things such as reflexes, co-ordination and strength can be worked on throughout one's career. The bend in your elbow cannot.


International Regular
Actually, you're post is quite disgraceful. Argue the logic, don't attack the poster. And don't put words into my mouth. I clearly was giving Murali that credit the whole way through. You're ridiculous.
Really? You have a hell of a way of giving credit...its difficult to see your posts as anything but damning with faint praise. I would attack your post if there was something worthwhile to attack in it besides petty minded envy (and in any case, others have gone to the trouble and I see you have not mentioned Indurain for instance in your so-called repetitive 'rebuttals')...but considering the nature of your repeatedly ridiculous offerings I think I will be waiting a while...


Cricketer Of The Year
I am hoping that the case will be filed in India(where Bedi lives) and that the Judges will be impartial despite Murali's nationality and find in his favour.

Because he has been defamed very badly by Bedi's comments (and it affects his reputation and character -when he calls him a thief and burglar:@ ) and I hope Bedi gets cleaned out this time....That will shut him up .


Hall of Fame Member
Really? You have a hell of a way of giving credit...its difficult to see your posts as anything but damning with faint praise. I would attack your post if there was something worthwhile to attack in it besides petty minded envy (and in any case, others have gone to the trouble and I see you have not mentioned Indurain for instance in your so-called repetitive 'rebuttals')...but considering the nature of your repeatedly ridiculous offerings I think I will be waiting a while...
You haven't been reading all the posts or you're lost on what I am referring to. Whilst others have called a ban even, I have not. I have said that of COURSE it takes talent to take those wickets and the deformity by itself is nothing. BUT when people equate that DEFORMITY with talent then it becomes ridiculous. Murali does not get the advantage of the examples of men with 10ft tall or the guy with 100% twitch fibers, those extreme examples were ridiculous. But he DOES get an advantage and it is not the same as McGrath having an advantage over another bowler simply because he is more accurate. The fairness has nothing to do with that.
