Adam Gilchrist :OAnyway...Gilchrist.
What do you base this on Neil?
Test Stats
Matches - 31
Runs - 2160
Average - 60.00
High Score - 204
50's - 11
100's - 6
Not Out - 8
Ducks - 4
Out in 90's - 2
% of team score - 12.4%
And his batting average by position shows that he averages 71.23 from number 7! Name another batsman who gets close to that batting at 7.
Also this guy is a big hitter and can change a game in a few overs, not many players in the game can do this (or at least chose not to display that they can anyway)
In 31 matches and 44 innings - 17 of his innings have been 50 or more, not a bad convertion rate IMO
Fielding Stats
Matches - 31
Catches - 121
Stumpings - 10
Most Catches per Match - 10
Most Stumpings per Match - 1 (doesn't look so bad when you think who he keeps to)