Swamp Witch Hattie
U19 12th Man
Bumrah is now 16th equal on the historical ICC Test bowling ratings. Hadlee might have pipped him with 33 > 32 but I fear Paddles' 909 will soon be overtaken by Bumrah!
from https://www.relianceiccrankings.com/alltime/test/bowling/:

Lillee is very low at 41 with 884 points (possibly due to inactivity/WSC?) while Wasim is languishing at 80 with just 830 points (and never rose above #2 in the rankings).
from https://www.relianceiccrankings.com/alltime/test/bowling/:

Lillee is very low at 41 with 884 points (possibly due to inactivity/WSC?) while Wasim is languishing at 80 with just 830 points (and never rose above #2 in the rankings).