I knew I should have put "these numbers have absolutely no bearing on how highly I rank the sides".
It's solely a list of teams better than Kenya who are in no way shape or form 8th in the World...
Given that Australia A can't beat Zimbabwe, I think 10th is fair anyway..
Back to football
The difference is that the "big" clubs are 90% armchair/plastic supporters whereas the smaller sides have far more non-plastic fans. The plastic ones come out of the woodwork for the FA Cup games v Liverpool, Playoff Finals, LDV Finals, Corrupt Money-Laundering Boards of Directors inviting dodgy American singers to the ground...
Seeded draws are rubbish. Note the total lack of interest in the Champions League early stages. The sole idea behind a seeded draw - no matter what spin people try to put on it - is to guarantee big guns across the board in the Last 16. Sorry, never going to happen.
As for better games, well, there's the Matthews Final, the 1970 World Cup Final, Man Utd losing York, Man Utd losing to Bournemouth, Man Utd's trip to Brazil ending in comedy against Necaxa...