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See, you're wrong about the bolded bit, and here is why.While obviously calling them thugs would be over the top, as I said before, at it's core it's about beating other people up and you need a bit of a nasty streak to do it well, imo. I watch and enjoy MMA and can appreciate the skill they bring. That doesn't mean I find the profession particularly noble.
When you're fighting, you don't see another person there
You see a body and it's movements. he name, face, persona, etc...all that dissolves away. Its just you, your skillsets and gameplans, against this other body that is coming after you.
It's like playing a video game. It's solving a puzzle. It's attempting to find your way around a defence, about defending yourself from attacks, about trying to react to the other body's movements.
And what people get out if it is overcoming the challenge. Getting yourself into fight shape, preparing your A plan, B plan, C plan. And then you go out there, under pressure, with that other body throwing their plans at you, and you try to throw your plans at them and see if you can execute them well, see if they work as well as you thought they would. And then sometimes you get clipped or beat up a bit or taken down, or suddenly you are bleeding or you're in pain and now you dig into your inner resilience. Can you fight back. Can you come up with a new plan on the spot. Did you see something you can exploit. Is your timing on point. Can you keep your cool. And maybe sometimes you're winning and the other body is stalling and holding on, and now you're trying to break them and make them quit, but you also don't want to blow out you gas tank and have to come back next round and face them again. How do you pace yourself, how do you pick your shots, do you just win the round and come back and hope you win the next two.
Again, it is so much more than a drive to beat people up. It really is. You don't need a 'nasty streak' to do it. Trust me when I say that. You may not think you're ever capable of doing it, but that's because you are not in this world. You haven't tried. You can't paint all fighters with the same broad brush. A lot of men and women in MMA are genuinely some of the sweetest people around.
Just like hendrix said, there is nothing unique to MMA compared to any other walk of life. And that's my point. You could argue that you need a nasty streak to succeed in anything, right? In business, in politics, heck even in art. But that doesn't mean good people don't succeed in those fields. Is every fast bowler a nasty person? Is every pro Rugby player a nasty person? Why would you look at MMA and think that it is so special compared to any other walk of life that it alone attracts all the nasty individuals. It doesn't.