Cricket, Lovely Cricket
If you see the rankings 'graph' it shows Bedi as number 1 for a bried period. I saw that but either it is my error in judgement or yours.Swervy said:I have checked the site..Bedi was at number 2 during the 77/78 series vs Australia..he was not at number one according to the table.(where is that bladder is full again)
Any way the point is India has had some good bowlers although many have been really poor (what can you say if you have Madan Lal opening the bowling).
Bedi, Chandra, Kapil, Kumble were good.
So England too hasnt had great success in the bowling department has it. India also has had numerous bowlers in the top ten at one point or another. That doesnt mean much.
And Dev was indeed so good in the first half as a bowler that he can be considered an all time great. Really, if you follow his stats a bit more closely, he was 'DEV'astation.
The fact that we have looked at this ratings so closely shows how good the ratings are. I usually do not like ratings much the over a period of time, PWC ratings do hold good. Comparing different players always turns out interesting from the PWC perspective too..