Just to chuck in my two cents, I've been here for a lot less time than a lot of the people involved in all this but one thing that's always struck me about this place is the respectful nature of most interactions. Posters are, by and large, courteous and well-mannered no matter what they're discussing, debating or arguing. It's awesome. Respect is right at the heart of how CW runs.
With that in mind, I just can't understand how people who are fundamentally (and openly) opposed to the idea of respectful discussion can be allowed to carry on. If I don't name names I'm sure I'll be called passive aggressive so, yes, of course I'm largely talking about Blocky. I'm not attempting to personally attack him here, but the guy has been quite upfront that he's not interested in being polite or engaging with us in the way that seemingly everyone else expects posters to act. So why should we, and you guys as both mods and posters, tolerate it?
I guess what I'm asking is for a clarification about the type and nature of interactions that are expected here. I know we don't want a forum where everyone posts exactly the same but surely there's a limit as to how blatantly someone can go against the atmosphere of the place before it's too detrimental (even if they do have an impressive knowledge of a certain subject, excellent insight into a number of players, and a seemingly too good to be true array of credentials). So, mods and others, where's the limit? How much are we willing to tolerate in the name of 'discussion'?