Whatever it takes!!!
And I think Don Bradman would know more abt cricket and cricketers than u do.Don Bradman is definitely undisputed greatest cricketer ever(although there are some idiots like Sambit Pal & others who say Gary"I could bowl every style capily" is the greatest cricketer of alltime which is highly laughable because Sobers doesn't even come close to The Don) but being a great player of a particular sport neither makes u an "expert" nor any authority to decide who is good & who's bad.If u think good or great players are better judges & know more about the sport ten what would u say about Inzamam & some of the other players(the names of whom I don't want to mension) who hardly know anything even about some chief rules of cricket & rate crap players very highly & consider them "trump cards" despite having proven better players in the team.
Anyway, I would prefer to judge players on properly analyzed stats rather than on the opinion of X person(whoever he or she might be) about an X player.
I've always said that Sobers is one of the greatest batsmen ever(would easily make top 10 abtsmen of alltime,if not 5) & might make alltime XIs of many people on his batting alone but I just don't think He was a better allrounder than Imran Khan,Ian Botham & Keith Miller.

Seriously, it is not one or two guys who say that. So many guys connected to cricket have all watched all these players in question and have said that Sobers was the best all rounder ever. If u guys think u know more just because u have seen a few numbers..........................