Especially the idea that people would stop visiting CW entirely if the drafts were transferred, that is just absurd on the very face of it, a statement deserving of nothing but ridicule
Just on this, I think it's worth noting that for me personally, this'll impact the way I engage with the forum immediately. I see the quoted post has been liked by a mod and loved/laughed at by a couple of esteemed members. Ok.
There are a significant number of forum members who draft, and those members are also people who contribute heavily to conversations in CC. There are also plenty who have been vocally against drafts who I rarely see posting in CC, it seems they prefer OT. That's cool.
I am assuming people who join the site do so by googling a cricket forum community, or cricket in general. They connect, enjoy the cricket conversation in CC, then venture into other areas of the forum as they feel comfortable.
Once again, my concerns aren't that "our drafts have been moved wah wah". I am concerned this will decrease engagement with CC in a detrimental way.
Personally, I log into CW in the mornings when I'm eating toast and drinking tea. I check any drafts I'm in or running, then I look at whatever CC thread are happening and see if anything interests me. I rarely venture into other sub-forums unless I am aimlessly cruising around with nothing better to do and time to spare.
It seems trivial and like it won't matter, but I do wanna express my concern that this is gonna effect conversation in CC, which is the forum's gateway and bread and butter.