You haven't used all your $1,000,000 in your bids. (I'm not sure if that was a good rule to have, but since the other bidders have followed it I think we have to stick with it).Sent.
Please check your bids - I think they only total 985,000sent!
oops, I'll resend thatPlease check your bids - I think they only total 985,000
No way. People pay what they bid or you could just go big on someone and get him dirt cheap if nobody else bids for him.BTW, there is another modification that can be done. You charge a drafter with highest bid for a player not his actual bid, but $1 more than the second bid. So if a player got 2 bids $10,000 and $50,000 the latter bid wins but has to pay only $10,001. This is how auctions for online ads work, it makes good sense.
BTW, there is another modification that can be done. You charge a drafter with highest bid for a player not his actual bid, but $1 more than the second bid. So if a player got 2 bids $10,000 and $50,000 the latter bid wins but has to pay only $10,001. This is how auctions for online ads work, it makes good sense.
I can confirm that auctions in real world work in both ways (including how ankit described).No way. People pay what they bid or you could just go big on someone and get him dirt cheap if nobody else bids for him.
I think you should just report who everyone bought, the winning bid for each player, and how much each person has left. The failed bids are unnecessary.Incidentally, once all the bids for Round 1 are in and the round is complete, should I should reproduce them here in full, or just report who everyone has bought and how much they've spent in total, or... ?