Sign-up form:
Name: Heathy Davis
Height(cm): 198cm
Weight(kg): 98 kg
Age: 24 (i wish!)
Date of birth: 30/11/1987
1st preference position: Forward
2nd preference position: Ruck
3rd preference position: Back
Players aged 17-21 have to use 1 A, 2 Bs, 5 Cs, 5 Ds, 3 Es, 2 Fs.
Players aged 22-25 have to use 3 As, 3 Bs, 6 Cs, 3 Ds, 2 Es, 1 F.
Players aged 26+ have to use 4 As, 4 Bs, 7 Cs, 1 D, 1 E, 1 F.
Crumbing - C
Long Kick - C
Short Kick - B
Kick Distance - D
Handball - C
Mark Contested - B
Mark Uncontested - C
Tackling - C
Strength - A
Speed - A
Agility - A
Hit Out/Ruck Tap - F
Goal Accuracy In Play - B
Goal Accuracy Set Shot - D
Free Kick Tendency - E
Defense Ground Level - C
Defence In Air - E
Defence One on One - D
Defensive -
Goal Sneak -
Full Forward -
Full Back -
Normal -
Runs Hard - Yes
Doesn't Cover Much Ground -
Short Kick % - 15%
Long Kick % - 10%
Handball % - 10%
Run % - 65%
Here's something to help AFL newbies out:
Ruckman are usually 196cm+
Key position players, such as full forward, centre half forward, centre half back and full back are usually around 188-199cm.
Midfield players - ruck rovers, centres etc. are usually around 170-185cm, the odd midfielder will be around 185-190cm.