Okay, I stand corrected with regards to Dwayne Waddell, it's just that talk of those sorts of prices makes my eyes water. Still, I stand by what I said, in so far as that if Dwayne Waddell is worth nearly £800K, then Greening was a bargain at a smidgen over a quarter of a Mill, even though his secondaries are vastly inferior. Good luck with him anyway - Am I right in thinking that two primary nets more or less equates to two pops a season, give or take a few weeks? If so, then say for argument's sake he reaches Sup before the end of this season, then he could be half way up Rem by the end of next? And starting from Prof Conc, even if secondaries only pop every five or six weeks now, as opposed to every two or three weeks under the old system, you could conceivably be looking at a player not long past his 20th Birthday, with Wond Bat, Strong Stam and Except Conc. Blimey Charlie! When you put it like that I can kind'a see where you're coming from!
I guess the best case scenario for Greening by the time he hits 20yo is Strong Stam, Lowish Rem Bat and Prof/Strong Conc. Admittedly a fair way behind Waddell, but still a snip for a quarter of a Mill I reckon!
ATM I've got him on two batting nets, one fielding and one fitness, is this enough to address his secondary issues? Also, how good does a player already need to be to justify training them in a primary beyond their teens? E.G., I guess Greening, who'll probably be High Qual/Low Rem, and Staveley, who'll be Mid Strong, will both be worth a net or two when they hit 20, but would, for example, Patel? At High Resp/Low Prof? or even Mullins at Low Resp?
Got Spin, I reckon you've landed the best deal of all of us in Charlie Allen! Though his wages don't make much sense to me, as the least he should be on is Comp£400 +Resp£650 +Prof£1100 =£2150. I guess he must have undergone some training since he was promoted, but without knowing what in and how much, I suppose you have to presume that he's reasonably close to the bottom of the level in all three disciplines. Given the uncertainty over secondary training, with Worth Cons I wouldn't bother touching his bowling for the time-being - If you had room, I'd stick him on 2 Bat, 2 WK, and 2 Fitness. This is obviously going to take up a massive chunk of your nets, and with each net having an impact on fitness from now on, it's going to make him pretty useless to your first CI in the short term, but by the time he's 20 you could be looking at an Except Bat with Qual Stam and Wond Conc, who also happens to be a Sup or Qual Keeper! - Though I shudder to think what the wages for such a beast would be, especially if secondaries start counting towards the wages next season! The other thing to bear in mind is that his WK training is also going to have a beneficial effect, however large or small, on his Cons - So even if you didn't touch his bowling primary, you would still have the option of using him as a perfectly passable 4th or 5th bowler!
Finally, I've just got my full membership through, and I'm wondering where on Battrick I need to go to find the additional Stats on partnerships/transfers etc.
Later, Trev