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  • Yeah mate, all good. Doing our best. Busy with work, which is a good thing given what so many are going through atm. If you ever want to have a chat, hmu. No dramas.
    Nah it's fine mate. All good. I'm not that interesting tbh.

    How are you traveling? Hope you're doing well.
    I'm sorry that my comments in the draft re time limits caused concern. I genuinely didn't intend to offend and my reference to work constraints was meant to convey my understanding rather than to be a criticism.
    I respect you, your views and the fact that you have work commitments and genuinely want your continued participation in this and any future drafts.
    PS Your Avatar was quite appropriate in terms of the look it gave me!
    yesssss glad to see you back mate, good guy and great contributor to the forum.

    botm and all that comes with it's not to everyone's taste so anyone who's got it out for you, well, that is their problem, but good to see you back mate
    Mate, are you all right? This whole episode seems unlike you. Everything ok? If you need to chat, hmu on 0417 480 479 (delete the number please once you've got it)
    Please have a rethink. Like I posted, go for a walk, get some fresh air and reassess. Be a terrible shame to see you go. Always enjoy your contributions. You can't help what people perceive, and I get it can be hurtful reading that sort of thing.

    God knows I try to inflict as much agony on people as I can, but they're all ****s and deserve it. You aren't. Take a few deep breaths and have a think about it. Who will provide Geelong weather updates ffs? You don't get to choose to go, not when I bestowed your location on you years ago. I decide that ffs. Hang around. There's too much fun to be had here discussing the sport we all love.
    I'm sorry to see you go; the criticism of you was undeserved. Are you dropping out of the current drafts?
    You get a chance to spend one day with your favorite batsman, in whatever ground/restaurant you like, but you will have to give $500. Will you?
    Hey, I think you have 2 pending picks in never met draft. Everyone else is done.
    Hi Red, I've been looking at purchasing CTB Turner's book, 'The Quest for The Bowlers'. I've been told that you possibly used the cover as your avatar recently, so just wanted to ask if you've ever read it before, and if so would you say it's worth it?
    Hey which players would you like to write about? so we keep the list a bit of a mystery, you can email me on sheepdraft @ gmail.com to discuss more.
    Also, for each category, number your nominations from 1 to 5, with the number one getting 5 points and so on. Whoever gets the most points for each category will win the award and ofc, if there are any ties, we will all discuss them on here and come to a conclusion. I'm looking to post up the awards around Jan 6th, so we should be done and dusted before that.
    Ok, so me you and Shady Slim will be the judges. These are the categories I propose:

    CW Cricketer of the Year 2016 (performances across all formats)

    And then best batsman, bowler and allrounder (includes keepers) awards for Tests, ODIs and T20s.

    Best Prospect award (for any cricketer who has played international cricket this year below the age of 25. This doesn't just have to be based on performances and stats but also who we feel has the most to give in coming years)

    Best Umpire

    The best match award, I'm thinking we confine this to tests only as they take into account all the different skills required in cricket

    Finally, team of the year
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