14 Reasons why I like Be Here Now:
1. The build-up to its release is the biggest and best of any release of anything in my whole life. You couldn't escape it, it was everywhere.
2. I was 13 when it came out and instantly adored it. Even if I went along with populist thought, nostalgia alone would carry it through, but I don't and I stand by my early impressions.
3. D'You Know What I Mean
4. My Big Mouth
5. Stand By Me
6. I Hope, I Think, I Know
7. The Girl In The Dirty Shirt
8. Fade In-Out
9. Don't Go Away
10. Be Here Now
11. All Around The World
12. It's Getting Better (Man!!)
13. The only band that I absolutely love to the same extent as oasis is Guns N' Roses. If GNR made an oasis record, it would Be Here Now, if that makes sense. Noel even cites the title track as being influenced by Guns.
14. I'm a good boy these days but there was a time when I had a renewed appreciation for Be Here Now. I will leave that one at that, if you don't know what it means then I won't be explaining