Hall of Fame Member
My theory is that Kallis simply followed the flow of the rest of the batsmen around him. So early/mid career with Kirsten, Cullinan, Prince he batted in accumulator mode and late career with Amla, ABD he stepped up the pace.The point I was trying to make was that some people used the excuse of helpful home decks as the reason for Kallis's slow S/R when he was even slower away. Imo he just batted slowly regardless of the conditions. Its also worth noticing that he has extremely high proportion of sixers especially compared to a guy who has such a low S/R which, without diving too much into stats, means there must be a lot blocks.
What really kicked in the last 3 years do you think? Was it Amla's coming good?
This was especially clear in the Perth 2008 chase when I saw him let loose in atypical fashion.