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The biggest spinner of the cricket ball?

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Shady Slim

International Coach
No you've actually not engaged with that point at all
is xix talking about when i didn't engage with it here:
nobody cares if WG Grace threw it because when he played the test for chucking was "based on the umpire's vibe does he look like he's throwing it", degree thresholds were only brought in near around the turn of the century, are you just being this thick on purpose or
maybe here:

you've failed to establish why people should care about the greats of old throwing bc when they were playing they weren't throwing per the metrics that were used at the time

and if you want to talk about it, like rtb said you can make your own thread ?
or here?
no it wasn't because the test for throwing was whether the umpire with his human eye vibed it as throw
when L&L didn't do so here?

You're like a dog with a bone on this issue.

There are two facts, the first you are unhappy with, the second you believe negates the first.

Fact 1. Umpire Hair called Murali under the Laws of cricket as they stood at the time. Just because he had expressed an earlier concern does not prove his actions were premeditated. He called what he saw at the time (be it an optical illusion or otherwise).

Fact 2. Subsequent testing, scientific studies and a revision of the relevant rule has cleared Murali of any 'throwing accusations".

Both facts are indisputable and independent of each other and no amount of debate can change these two historic facts.

I, long ago, accepted these two facts and have accepted that Murali's achievements have been perfectly legal.

I have no respect for those who wish to dispute, distort or deny these factual aspects of cricketing history.

Idiotic claims that past greats were 'chuckers' is an attempt to distort this history and fails to recognise that players in the past (Meckiff for example) were called under the 'old' rules while others (Lock for example) modified their action to satisfy the rules of the day.
or maybe when mrmr didn't engage with it here:
Nobody cares about the fact McGrath technically chucked under the old laws or whatever going by the degrees because his action looked perfectly fine

Muralis action looked ridiculous. We all know this. I can accept it was an illusion due to his unique shoulder and wrist joint rotation, to go with permanently bent arm that couldn't fully straighten, and legal, but come on, if you were a casual cricket fan watching him bowl the action would strike you as dodgy
when burgey then didn't engage with it here?

But they weren’t taking those things into account back then. It was just whether an umpire thought you chucked based on his observations.
or perhaps when (noted bigot, in fairness) rtb didn't do so with this post?

Yeah I think everyone is talking past each other here. It's possible for both the following to be true and fine:

- Hair called Murali based on his own judgement which at the time was the only way to call chucking.
- Hair was proven wrong by subsequent scientific testing

You could make an argument that the entire affair turned out well for everyone: Murali got to keep his records, cricket now had a formal test to deal with chucking, and people are still having online meltdowns about it 30 years later.
cmon man this point has been engaged with more times than xix has brain cells (and tbf this would've been true had it only been engaged with twice anyway)


International Regular
I gave my summarized point, and you've still failed to engage with it for a couple of pages now. Maybe you should count your own brain cells first to check if you have more than one.


Cricket Web: All-Time Legend
Who exactly accused Hair of racism here? It seems like people are arguing a point nobody made.
I mean it's heavily implied here, which I guess most of the posters are responding to:
You can argue any way you like, it is not a secret that the worries umpires and players were either Australian, New Zealand or English. Indian, Pakistani, South African or West Indian umpires had no issues with Murali's action. Very simple observation.
Seems like everyone kind of dances around it instead of just talking like normal people. I would actually love to post in a thread about racism in cricket!


Whatever it takes!!!
I mean it's heavily implied here, which I guess most of the posters are responding to:

Seems like everyone kind of dances around it instead of just talking like normal people. I would actually love to post in a thread about racism in cricket!
Fair enough. At least, I never implied Hair's call was racist or anything.

Shady Slim

International Coach
Fair enough. At least, I never implied Hair's call was racist or anything.
i believe you may have misinterpreted my post (easy mistake to make i do it all the time) where i said

note i said "call murali a chucker" not "call murali for chucking midgame"

because uh you literally did say it was racist to make murali is a chucker posts

Nah what most posters who are butting in now having never participated in these debates before need to understand is this -

- Every thread Murali is brought up sees Burgey and TJB make the same "chucker cheat lololol" comments.
- When people rightly point out the racist and bigoted tropes of these posts, we have SteveNZ Adders and Shady chiming in to say how its all a bit of fun.


likes this
because uh you literally did say it was racist to make murali is a chucker posts
Not sure if it's racist, but it is a reoccurring pattern that anytime any discussion comes up about Murali's bowling on CW that there are a handful of posters who wade in going 'hurr durr 800 runouts' and completely derail the thread.

It's literally impossible to talk about Murali as a bowler on here without the same (white Australian) individuals choosing to drag that conversation down this worn out rabbit hole. About time they were called out on it and told to shut the **** up and move on.

Shady Slim

International Coach
Not sure if it's racist, but it is a reoccurring pattern that anytime any discussion comes up about Murali's bowling on CW that there are a handful of posters who wade in going 'hurr durr 800 runouts' and completely derail the thread.

It's literally impossible to talk about Murali as a bowler on here without the same (white Australian) individuals choosing to drag that conversation down this worn out rabbit hole. About time they were called out on it and told to shut the **** up and move on.
totally fair

though i would also argue that it's conversely not right to call it out for being racist, when it's just generally dire posting and not racist posting

Shady Slim

International Coach
cmon man the chain of events here:
-you say it's racist and bigoted to call murali a chucker on the forum
-i say that you said this
-you say my mouth is up burgey's rear
-i find the post where you said, to use your words, it's racist and bigoted to call murali a chucker on the forum
-you say my mouth is up burgey's rear


Whatever it takes!!!
you say it's racist and bigoted to call murali a chucker on the forum

It would help if you could read posts after removing your mouth from Burgey's backside.

Just to explain in case you are still this dense, I said the two posters in question specifically post the same racist tropes all the time and then go "lol, we are just baiting and its fun" when the facts are pointed to them. Nowhere did I say it was exclusively racist or bigoted to question Murali's action. Something very obvious if your mouth is not up Burgey's backside.


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It would help if you could read posts after removing your mouth from Burgey's backside.

And please tell me where I said that? Its funny how the defense for posts with racist tropes is more strawmen arguments that nobody made. Really says a lot that you are this desperate.
This is a bit rich mate when you've repeatedly come at me for "bringing up Murali chucking" in this thread when I've avoided it (mostly) completely and rather talked about chucking from everyone else, and particualarly in Aus domestic and club cricket.

Yeah I've been a **** and made jokes about Murali chucking in the past, a lot, but to suggest it has anything to do with race is just ****ing braindead

Shady Slim

International Coach

Just to explain in case you are still this dense, I said the two posters in question specifically post the same racist tropes all the time and then go "lol, we are just baiting and its fun" when the facts are pointed to them. Nowhere did I say it was exclusively racist or bigoted to question Murali's action. Something very obvious if your mouth is not up Burgey's backside.
i stress, you may have meant something else but you quite literally said:
Nah what most posters who are butting in now having never participated in these debates before need to understand is this -

- Every thread Murali is brought up sees Burgey and TJB make the same "chucker cheat lololol" comments.
- When people rightly point out the racist and bigoted tropes of these posts [posts saying that murali is a chucker or a cheat], we have SteveNZ Adders and Shady chiming in to say how its all a bit of fun.
the bolded is the only possible inference from your post

Shady Slim

International Coach
You gonna practice law with those comprehension skills? :laugh:
- Every thread Murali is brought up sees Burgey and TJB make the same "chucker cheat lololol" comments.
- When people rightly point out the racist and bigoted tropes of these posts

if you are trying to tell me, that when you say, here, "these posts", you are not talking about the posts which you refer to in the immediately preceding sentence, being the only posts you refer to in your post quoted, then i'm not sure what to say really


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Not sure if it's racist, but it is a reoccurring pattern that anytime any discussion comes up about Murali's bowling on CW that there are a handful of posters who wade in going 'hurr durr 800 runouts' and completely derail the thread.

It's literally impossible to talk about Murali as a bowler on here without the same (white Australian) individuals choosing to drag that conversation down this worn out rabbit hole. About time they were called out on it and told to shut the **** up and move on.
Pin this, thanks

Shady Slim

International Coach
- Every thread Murali is brought up sees Burgey and TJB make the same "chucker cheat lololol" comments.
- When people rightly point out the racist and bigoted tropes of these posts

if you are trying to tell me, that when you say, here, "these posts", you are not talking about the posts which you refer to in the immediately preceding sentence, being the only posts you refer to in your post quoted, then i'm not sure what to say really
there are some other potential factual inaccuracies in your post too, namely that i don't recall ever weighing in before on whether or not it's bigoted to make a post on a cricket forum saying a guy throws, but that's not of the moment


Whatever it takes!!!
- Every thread Murali is brought up sees Burgey and TJB make the same "chucker cheat lololol" comments.
- When people rightly point out the racist and bigoted tropes of these posts

if you are trying to tell me, that when you say, here, "these posts", you are not talking about the posts which you refer to in the immediately preceding sentence, being the only posts you refer to in your post quoted, then i'm not sure what to say really
What do you think "these" mean?

there are some other potential factual inaccuracies in your post too, namely that i don't recall ever weighing in before on whether or not it's bigoted to make a post on a cricket forum saying a guy throws, but that's not of the moment
Try pointing out a few.


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- Every thread Murali is brought up sees Burgey and TJB make the same "chucker cheat lololol" comments.
- When people rightly point out the racist and bigoted tropes of these posts

if you are trying to tell me, that when you say, here, "these posts", you are not talking about the posts which you refer to in the immediately preceding sentence, being the only posts you refer to in your post quoted, then i'm not sure what to say really
He means posts by those two along those lines i think
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