Not meaning to take issue with you directly Zinzan but this is something I've read numerous times about this case and other cases, where people at parties were flirting so therefore she wanted it down the road. Consent doesn't work like that but a lot of people think they do, which is why cases like this arise, and why it's important to talk about where the line is. I think part of it is also the general perception of rape still continues to be some random person attacking strangers on dark empty streets, when it's often between people known to each other, and indeed, there's a fair amount of ***ual assault that goes on within relationships. It's a bit of a false logic to assume that because 4 or 5 hours before they seemed like they were having a good time, therefore she was unlikely to say no later.
It's also an easy narrative that women are just in it for fame or to destroy a guy with baseless accusations. The courts still tend to skew in favour of letting the accused off the hook; it's the public trial by social media that is vastly different.
Agreed. It happens so often in sports with people drunk driving; they get a slap on the wrists, they do the public service and get applauded for making amends by fronting up but do any of them actually do anything to change the culture, or even their own drinking habits? Rarely, if ever. It's all PR. In this case I think K00gz seems genuinely remorseful and wants to put it behind him and fair enough, and NZC/Kuggleijn will be damned if they do damned if they don't, in terms of addressing it publicly. If he admits guilt in any way people will wonder why he wasn't punished, and if he denies in any way there will be outrage again, so the best thing is to try and make sure it doesn't happen anymore, because you can't change the past, but you can help prevent it happening in the future. And I think issues like this, unlike drink driving, it's harder for the victim(s) involved to see someone try to make amends publicly, so in a way NZC is kinda doing what they should with their handbook and in ground messages (wasn't there billboards about consent at one of the games, or was I thinking of a Big Bash game on TV the other day?).