See Zinzan, what you fail to see is that you're the one who feels the need to bring up irrelevant points on a topic. Things that had no reason to be said. You just felt an burning urge to say it. That's what reflects so poorly onto you, Thats why people go 'Zinzan, wtf is wrong with you'. Because for some reason, you're the only person in the entire conversation who felt it absolutely necessary to point out that Jadeja's rise to number 1 is based on home performances, or how Sachin didn't help Akhtar up when he collided into him way back when, or how you won't be convinced of a player/team's quality unless they meet arbitrary criteria you set.
None of these things were relevant points to the conversation at hand, but you just felt such a strong desire to say them, and then when people point out to you how there is no reason to be saying that, you accuse them of being sensitive/aggressive/blah blah blah, when really the truth of the matter is the only reason you said those things is because you are the one with a huge chip on your shoulder that you are trying to pretend isn't there. You need to say those things because they bother you, deep to your core, and not because they're valid points to the discussion.
And hey, you know what, we all do it. I do it when I rant about pitches. Burgey does it about Allan Border not being called AB. OS has this weird thing with 50s and 100s. But the difference is we all recognise that these things are our problems, not everyone elses, and thus we don't need to stink up every single thread in the forum talking about it. We don't need to hijack any loosely related discussion to talk about what bothers us all the time -like you did just here. And even if we did do that, we don't need to attack those who call us out on having a chip on our shoulders. **** I've been called out being obsessed and not letting go of certain topics loads and when I do, I drop it. Everyone does. We recognise when we're being a broken record, and we stop and we move on.
You don't tho.