Well, yeah.Obviously or he wouldn't have been sacked
What I was driving at is that to some extent what the fans think of this doesn't really matter. Such is the level of money in the game, crashing out of the Premier League has massive negative financial implications. It's obvious that this is now the driving factor behind more or less what every club does. As this is the case, barring some massive revolt, the owners of the involved clubs will put the thoughts of the fans, and any other competing factor, on the backburner if it means avoiding losing a huge amount of revenue.
Such are the stakes, it's basically become a case of "stay in the Prem at any cost". If anything impedes that goal, it's jettisoned. I'm not saying that's right or wrong, but it's categorically how it is, which is why the whole situation doesn't really surprise me. This whole ugly business is as much a fault of the game itself, and what it has become, as it is the fault of the Leicester board/owners etc.