Hi, long time lurker, first post. I understand that this thread is a bit old, but I thought that maybe this might be of interest. The decision is on this website;
Decisions and periods of ineligibility - Anti Doping | ICC Cricket its the last case and is available in PDF.
* Yasir Shah has been diagnosed with high BP and is taking beta blockers (which are on the WADA list, but not on the ICC naughty list). As does his wife.
* He does have a family history of high BP and heart disease, both his parents suffer from it and two of his Uncles have died from it. (Medical information of all was provided)
* He had been feeling off a few days earlier and told the physio who concluded that his blood pressure was slightly above normal; but it was mostly fear. He asked his wife to bring the medication with her.
* She also broght her own. Now, look at the two of the medications pictures which are provided in the decision; they are virtually identical and have almost the same trade name and packaging, Mrs Yasir's meciation is a beta blocker
and diuretic combo.
* He woke up in the middle of the night with palpitations and sweats and in a panic. Now its not stated in the decision, but as someone who also has High BP, it sounds like he missed a dose. Missing Beta Blocker dose can be quite dangerous. His wife gave him medication (the "I took the missues pills by mistake defence"), which turned out to be hers.
* He did tell the tester of which medication he took, including the one which belonged to his wife.
The Warne discrepacny is perhaps harder to understand. Well that was CA not the ICC, but in the decade and a half since that, quite a bit has changed. In the 2000's WADA was operating under the zero tolerance theory that if the came down like a ton of bricks on even inadvertant doping, the rest would be deterred. In the last few years, what with the Lance Armstrong and the Russian doping scandles; thats been disproved and they now do take a more softer view than was the case back in 2003. The zero tolerance caught poor buggers who take cough pills, but did nothing to catch the actual cheaters, who survived simply by ensuring they crossed all the t and dotted the i's.