A friend who operates at he highest level of the game told me tonight that, in his opinion, the BCCI neither has the will or the way to stamp out corruption as its members are largely either:
a. ruthless businessmen who want to run it as their personal fiefdom; or
b. corrupt officials installed by ruthless businessmen who want to run it as their personal fiefdom.
He has just returned from the IPL and has experienced it first hand
Spot on !
One could add to that list though . . .
c. Greedy, selfish former cricketers/commentators/cricketers-turned-commentators
who prefer to toe the line of the businessman (or Antonella who came before him or will come in the future) and try to use the influence the game has given them to spread propaganda amongst the gullible - in their millions
d. the electronic media which is so busy spreading their own place "as the first to bring you every major/minor detail of the scandal" that their over- hyped/ over-board rants end up weakening the public eventually both because rants are always less believable and because they rarely can be sustained
e. The sponsors who are the only ones genuinely and openly in it for the money alone and so wait and watch saying little or what sounds most appropriate to the largest number of their customers - the billion idiots . . .
f. The Billion Idiots - a gullible public enraged for a day, cynical the next, looking for justifications for the rot next, losing interest next and allowing the perpetrators to continue with "business as usual"
Everyone ends up happy and life moves on till the next fiasco . . .
The politicians, businessmen, match fixers, bookies etc go back to screwing the public. The crickets/ commentators to acting as the pimps of the first group. The officials and cops to serving their masters having collected the crumbs that fall their way. The media on to the next scandal since the billions attention span has started waning. The sponsors and advertisers to using the game to sell to the billion. And the billion (bar a minuscule minority) to shouting I told you so irrespective of what they had actually 'told'.
The minuscule minority goes back to tearing their hair out in frustration* . . .
*Look at my avatar and you will know how many times this has happened before