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***Official*** Australia in India 2012/13


International Captain
By dumping them it does punish the team. But that is what a team is. If one person ****s up, the whole team suffers. There's no worse feeling in the world than letting your team mates down. Reckon they'll be rushing out and doing it again after feeling this way?
Yep, let's do it again, this time with the Ashes 2-2 at the Oval.

Mickey can pick up his honorary MBA from King's College on his way home.


Cricket Web: All-Time Legend
Yep, let's do it again, this time with the Ashes 2-2 at the Oval.

Mickey can pick up his honorary MBA from King's College on his way home.
Wouldnt get one as some of the "management principles" (and I use that term very loosely) displayed here were discredited eons ago


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Yep, let's do it again, this time with the Ashes 2-2 at the Oval.

Mickey can pick up his honorary MBA from King's College on his way home.
If this sort of **** was left unpunished you're kidding yourself if you think we'd be winning two matches in the Ashes.

By punishing them in this fashion it ensures this won't be happening in the Ashes or any other series.


International Captain
If this sort of **** was left unpunished you're kidding yourself if you think we'd be winning two matches in the Ashes.

By punishing them in this fashion it ensures this won't be happening in the Ashes or any other series.
I can see the logic of it from the long-term. But if people do pull this **** again it'll be beyond the pale.

Arthur's staked his entire coaching legacy on this move. Everything Australia does between now and Sydney will be compared to this.


You'll Never Walk Alone
Impressed with Patto's words, good man.

Watson on the other hand, far out. His antics are worse than the time burgu ordered wagyu on ubuntu.


International Coach
the worst thing about this is it has painted all the players with the same brush by coming out and saying they are punishing these players this time but it's also others in the team slacking.


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no the worse thing is definitely not being able to drop watson and making him stay there


State Captain
Just when I thought they were going to pick Johnson and things couldn't get any worse. :(

Wish the captain and coach had sorted this out when the problems started instead of letting it build up and acting now.

They look like a pair of gooses, sabotaging the team and themselves.

Hope they have the courage of their convictions from now on.

It helps explain why Usman was dropped from the one day team. for no obvious reason.
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I'm shocked by the reaction of ex-players claiming they shouldn't be asked to do "homework" and punished for not completing such a task.

In the days of Bob Simpson, if after 2 big losses the players were ordered to do a 10km run the following day and 4 players just stayed in bed, I'm sure there would have been serioues repercussions. The players may not have been dropped but they would have been flogged by Simmo.

Look at sports like AFL...players regularly get dropped because, for example, they miss a recovery session with no reasonable excuse. Often there is no suggestion they were out boozing it just isn't accepted. It's about not tolerating it when players **** on the team culture you're trying to build, which is pretty much what the Mohali Four did here.


Oh Mickey, what a pity you don't understand......

Side with former players, can't go wrong (even if they are).
Hahaha WOW that article is an absolute joke! Smacks of a dude who was somewhat important 30 years ago and wishes it was still the Wild West '80s.

I especially loved this line... "For now, I want you to go back to your room and write a 3000 word essay on how a South African from nowhere managed to get the job in the first place"

Hahaha yeah because Arthur had no credentials at all for the job did he, what with leading SA to number 1 in the Test rankings and all. Whether you like Arthur or rate him, to suggest he was some nobody shoehorned into the Test coaching role is just utter bull****.


International Coach
My problem is that the management and selectors also need to come forward and admit that they were too slow to address these problems and some accountability is required to be shown on that front too.

Pat Howard is just now coming out and saying Watson is a ''sometimes'' team player, my interpretation of this is, that they think he didn't always play for the team. Now since they knew this all along, they should have taken action a long time ago, test records of both Johnson and Watson are so poor over the last couple of years that they shouldn't have been anywhere near the side, yet they have been picked in the side over this period as if they were automatic selections, this could have only made them a lot more ****y in regard to their standing in the side.

Good to hear the things young Pattinson has said in the media, makes him come across as a bloke with a strong character and frankly speaking if one didn't knew better you could be fooled into thinking that Watson was 22 and Pattinson was 31 after reading their respective media statements.


Evil Scotsman
Cevno posted an article over at CricSim which had Arthur calling him professional like 10 times, which suggests to me he wasn't one of the repeat offenders tbh. What are these Pat Howard comments?
I wouldn't read too much into what Arthur or Clarke have said about Watson. Publically they have to back him because Watson's position in the squad and as vice captain isn't in their hands. Arthur would look pretty stupid if he came out and slated Watson in the press only for Watson to be named vice captain for the Ashes.

Son Of Coco

Cricket Web: All-Time Legend
The vice-captain says the penalty is 'very harsh', but what does Skidmark think?

He thinks on the eve of a series deciding Test, now might be a good time to make a point about discipline over what by any measure is a minor infraction

It's cracking a nut with a sledge-hammer in a desperate bid to be seen to be tough and be seen to be doing something on a tour where you've presided over really poor on-field performances
Well, we do have a habit of selecting our 3rd 11 for a series deciding test...maybe is is just an excuse to do so again.

Son Of Coco

Cricket Web: All-Time Legend
So what do you all think for the team that's going to play the next test?

I think the most likely is probably:

Ed Cowan
David Warner
Phil Hughes
Michael Clarke (c)
Matthew Wade\Brad Haddin (wk)
Moises Henriques
Glenn Maxwell
Peter Siddle
Mitchell Starc
Xavier Doherty
Nathan Lyon


Ed Cowan
David Warner
Phil Hughes
Michael Clarke (c)
Steve Smith
Matthew Wade\Brad Haddin (wk)
Moises Henriques
Glenn Maxwell
Peter Siddle
Mitchell Starc
Xavier Doherty\Nathan Lyon
Ideally it'd be as follows:

Norman Lindsey
Thomas Keneally (wk)
Miles Franklin
Bryce Courtenay
Richard Flanagan
Henry Lawson (c)
Colin Thiele
Clive James
Matthew Reilly
John Marsden
Tim Winton
