What's that got to do with anything?
He was a 18 year old coming from a poor background,who was exposed to International cricket without any counselling or mental preparation.
It is really tough for such a young boy to reject it when the senior teammates and his ****ing captain come up to him,to tell him that he can make a large amount of money by just bowling a no ball and that they have been doing it all along. Who knows the captain and the senior players had threatened to alienate him and get him dropped?
Wouldn't surprise me if some adminstrators were involved too or he was threatened with other things.
Yes the last part is speculation, but lets all get off our ****ing high horse and try to understand the possible contexts of it too.
How many people would resist or go and whistleblow if their senior is getting some form of commision where they work and offers them to be part of some form of information leaking (which is not too much loss causing too)? Specially, when they have just joined the company at a age of 18,without any real high preparation or education and he threatens to put them under pressure or fire them if they do not comply?
And then if they get caught and there lawyer tells them to lie in court to get away with minimum punishment,how many will go and admit they were wrong and were part of the malpractice?
And if there lawyer tells them to admit their crime later even if they were not wrong,will they not?
He engaged in Spot fixing,not match fixing under these possible circumstances and it didn't really cause anyone any harm. Not worth wasting a entire career of a 18 year old on it. He commited a crime and has paid for it. The duration of the sentence is at question here not whether he should or not. And advocating the maximum possible penalty for such a crime is frankly bizarre tbh.
Btw, does ICC provide ****ing counselling to young players about all rules and procedures when they come into the team?Even after this incident.