Yeah in firm agreement here. Though I think Edge would have reached the same heights he has done anyway, I would say his feud with Matt Hardy is where he really went from just an upper-midcard heel to being genuinely hated and a huge amount of momentum was generated from the whole Lita thing. Remember the leg drop from the top of the cage, WAG.
On the subject of other guys on the roster who seem to be just doing nothing at the moment, it's a shame to see that Christian hasn't really had any feud of any substance for a while, in fact he hasn't really had one of any real magnitude since he returned to the WWE. Even if the WWE don't want to push him as a main event talent (which similarly to Matt Hardy, I think he would be worth a go, even though his ship has probably already sailed) he is still very capable of putting younger talent over incredibly well, and to have such a talented guy on the roster just doing nothing is a huge waste. Need to hurry up and have him turn heel or something. Christian vs Rey Mysterio would be a feud worth watching at some point down the line, don't think it's been done before either.
Agree with sledger again. Don't get me started on WWE misusing Christian. Along with Chris Jericho, he's my favourite wrestler and he's just as misused if not more like Chris Jericho was in 2002.
Christian's got so much talent and has had great matches with everyone from Chris Jericho, Jack Swagger to even Zack Ryder. How many stars like John Cena, Randy Orton or Triple H claim to do that? I don't think that the ship has sailed on a World Heavyweight Championship run for him.
With the complete lack of depth on Smackdown and with Undertaker just a couple of injuries away from retirement, there's never been a better time for a person like Christian to step up. He has a lot of similarities with Matt Hardy in that he's a company man, experienced, great guy to have in the locker room and is over with the crowd.
The factors that Christian has going for him is that he's in great shape, he's a great promo guy and his wrestling ability is far and above that of Matt Hardy. Christian also works far better as a heel than Matt Hardy does so WWE can pull that turn and it would go over. At the moment he seems like a momentary stepping stone for Alberto Del Rio because he's clearly focused on Rey Mysterio at the moment.
It's pretty clear that WWE isn't keen on turning Christian heel. He gets good reactions from the fans and people generally like Christian so turning him heel isn't really on the cards yet. What I would like to see if Christian does remain a babyface is for him to face off against someone like Kane once he's done feuding with The Undertaker.
A feud with Kane could freshen up Christian's career as Kane isn't someone he's faced before. Another option would be to have someone like CM Punk win the World Heavyweight Championship and go on an extended feud with Christian which would be very entertaining.
I do think that out of both Matt Hardy and Christian that Christian has a better chance of winning the World Heavyweight Championship although I would like to see both get that chance soon.