Well it's progressed to time I should be up anyway but I have nothing to do now today it turns out, so sure
Squad Details (25 Players)
Zesh Hendrik - 20 yo, BT Rating=54,296
RH Batsman, LM Bowler. He is an attacking player with woeful leadership skills and competent experience.
He currently has superb batting form, proficient bowling form and lively fitness.
Stamina: superb Wicket Keeping: strong
Batting: superb Concentration: remarkable
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: quality
Fielding: competent
Martin Ocarroll - 20 yo, BT Rating=41,640
RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler. He is an attacking player with abysmal leadership skills and mediocre experience.
He currently has superb batting form, strong bowling form and energetic fitness.
Stamina: proficient Wicket Keeping: woeful
Batting: superb Concentration: proficient
Bowling: strong Consistency: strong
Fielding: strong
Allahbukhsh Adeel - 19 yo, BT Rating=10,639
RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler. He is a defensive player with competent leadership skills and woeful experience.
He currently has proficient batting form, abysmal bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: respectable
Batting: worthless Concentration: worthless
Bowling: respectable Consistency: respectable
Fielding: abysmal
Franky Mckagen - 24 yo, BT Rating=8,468
RH Batsman, RM Bowler. He is a destructive player with respectable leadership skills and competent experience.
He currently has mediocre batting form, superb bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: woeful Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: competent Concentration: respectable
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: feeble
Fielding: respectable
Jordan Shearer - 33 yo, BT Rating=7,502
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler. He is a steady player with worthless leadership skills and proficient experience.
He currently has proficient batting form, strong bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: competent
Batting: mediocre Concentration: competent
Bowling: worthless Consistency: feeble
Fielding: feeble
Robyn Doyley - 19 yo, BT Rating=7,214
LH Batsman, LH Spin Bowler. He is a steady player with abysmal leadership skills and woeful experience.
He currently has superb batting form, proficient bowling form and energetic fitness.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: respectable Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: competent
Fielding: worthless
Sudhanssu Khalil - 17 yo, BT Rating=7,156
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler. He is a cautious player with mediocre leadership skills and worthless experience.
He currently has competent batting form, mediocre bowling form and energetic fitness.
Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: worthless
Bowling: competent Consistency: respectable
Fielding: worthless
Robin Gibb - 20 yo, BT Rating=7,032
RH Batsman, RM Bowler. He is a cautious player with feeble leadership skills and feeble experience.
He currently has strong batting form, strong bowling form and energetic fitness.
Stamina: woeful Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: worthless Concentration: abysmal
Bowling: competent Consistency: respectable
Fielding: respectable
Jason Sekani - 33 yo, BT Rating=6,205
RH Batsman, RF Bowler. He is a destructive player with woeful leadership skills and strong experience.
He currently has feeble batting form, respectable bowling form and invigorated fitness.
Stamina: competent Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: woeful Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: mediocre Consistency: competent
Fielding: mediocre
Kumara Abeywickreme - 21 yo, BT Rating=6,006
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler. He is an attacking player with respectable leadership skills and abysmal experience.
He currently has strong batting form, competent bowling form and energetic fitness.
Stamina: worthless Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: worthless
Bowling: strong Consistency: woeful
Fielding: abysmal
Ewan Daly - 17 yo, BT Rating=5,736
LH Batsman, LM Bowler. He is a destructive player with strong leadership skills and worthless experience.
He currently has respectable batting form, proficient bowling form and invigorated fitness.
Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: abysmal
Batting: worthless Concentration: worthless
Bowling: mediocre Consistency: competent
Fielding: worthless
Howard Schooling - 18 yo, BT Rating=5,329
RH Batsman, RF Bowler. He is an attacking player with respectable leadership skills and abysmal experience.
He currently has strong batting form, abysmal bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: feeble Wicket Keeping: respectable
Batting: worthless Concentration: feeble
Bowling: competent Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: abysmal
Craig Stols - 17 yo, BT Rating=4,960
RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler. He is an attacking player with strong leadership skills and worthless experience.
He currently has proficient batting form, competent bowling form and lively fitness.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: mediocre
Batting: mediocre Concentration: competent
Bowling: worthless Consistency: worthless
Fielding: abysmal
Edwin Bradford - 22 yo, BT Rating=4,746
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler. He is a steady player with strong leadership skills and abysmal experience.
He currently has strong batting form, strong bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: worthless Concentration: abysmal
Bowling: mediocre Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: woeful
Michael Durno - 33 yo, BT Rating=4,691
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler. He is a steady player with respectable leadership skills and superb experience.
He currently has mediocre batting form, abysmal bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: mediocre
Batting: abysmal Concentration: feeble
Bowling: mediocre Consistency: competent
Fielding: feeble
Taskin Aziz-ur-rehman - 31 yo, BT Rating=4,689
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler. He is an attacking player with competent leadership skills and feeble experience.
He currently has superb batting form, superb bowling form and energetic fitness.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: abysmal
Bowling: mediocre Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: feeble
Ron Briscoe - 33 yo, BT Rating=4,647
RH Batsman, RF Bowler. He is a defensive player with proficient leadership skills and competent experience.
He currently has respectable batting form, worthless bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: mediocre
Batting: mediocre Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: feeble
Fielding: mediocre
Azgar Salam - 23 yo, BT Rating=4,467
LH Batsman, LFM Bowler. He is an attacking player with abysmal leadership skills and competent experience.
He currently has abysmal batting form, superb bowling form and invigorated fitness.
Stamina: abysmal Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: proficient Concentration: feeble
Bowling: worthless Consistency: abysmal
Fielding: feeble
Fred Emerton - 33 yo, BT Rating=4,072
RH Batsman, RM Bowler. He is a destructive player with strong leadership skills and competent experience.
He currently has respectable batting form, superb bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: woeful
Bowling: mediocre Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: woeful
Stuart Aulak - 17 yo, BT Rating=3,803
RH Batsman, RM Bowler. He is a destructive player with woeful leadership skills and abysmal experience.
He currently has feeble batting form, feeble bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: worthless Concentration: worthless
Bowling: mediocre Consistency: respectable
Fielding: worthless
Darrell Abrahams - 20 yo, BT Rating=3,800
RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler. He is a destructive player with strong leadership skills and abysmal experience.
He currently has abysmal batting form, abysmal bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: woeful
Bowling: competent Consistency: competent
Fielding: mediocre
James Stearman - 33 yo, BT Rating=3,696
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler. He is a defensive player with strong leadership skills and strong experience.
He currently has strong batting form, mediocre bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: abysmal
Batting: mediocre Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: woeful
Fielding: feeble
Colin Hansen - 33 yo, BT Rating=3,454
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler. He is a destructive player with woeful leadership skills and mediocre experience.
He currently has worthless batting form, feeble bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: mediocre
Batting: mediocre Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: woeful
Fielding: feeble
Daren Chavhanga - 33 yo, BT Rating=3,225
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler. He is a defensive player with worthless leadership skills and respectable experience.
He currently has feeble batting form, feeble bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: feeble
Bowling: mediocre Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: woeful
Bharadwaj Chanda - 19 yo, BT Rating=2,532
RH Batsman, RM Bowler. He is a cautious player with woeful leadership skills and worthless experience.
He currently has worthless batting form, worthless bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: woeful
Batting: competent Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: worthless Consistency: worthless
Fielding: worthless
- Hendrik +
- Doyley
- Salam
- Shearer
- Ocarroll
- Mckagen
- Stearman *
- Sekani
- Aziz-ur-rehman
- Abeywickreme
- Gibb
Not sure about my bowling attack really, is it worth playing Adeel thus having 2 spinners?
Any players I should look to offload or a glaring weakness I need to sort out?
Could really do with a top quality pace bowler, or at least that's what I think.