Seriously, the biggest beef I have with Oz cricket at the moment are not the performances (no-one can win forever and especially with the injury toll and daft selections) but the obvious lack of leadership and the total incompetency of management
Is it too much to ask for one of the many people that CA employ or the so-called "leadership group" to have taken Haddin aside and quietly advised him that there might be a problem and what is required is a contrite and humble apology to those people who had been upset by the incident?
The guy didnt even have to admit guilt and he would've been viewed in a far more positive light than both he and the team is today
Really leads me to believe that there is no discipline or control
I started a thread regarding Tim Neilsen and this was pretty much the same thing i was trying to say.
When Trevor Hohns and John Buchanan were running the show, nobody really gave them much credit tbh, but obviously now one can see they were doing a damn good job in their tenure.
Of course Australia had great players at that time, but still to channelise and organise all those stars in a single group and keep them focused and disciplined was a job very well done by all the administrators of that period.
Ponting is pretty much a clueless leader and he alone can't plan the road ahead for this Australian team, he needs wise heads around him, which i obviously don't see in Nielsen, Hilditch or Sutherland.
As you said, its seems pretty much as if that the players are running the show atm and they don't seem to give a damn about the authorities atm.
Anyways just out of curiosity, are guys like Hilditch and Sutherland holding accountable posts, or are they super-glued to their posts for a particular period of time with zero accountability, i am asking this because, lets say if players don't perform, then they are axed, but is there any prohibition through which these guys can be fired.