With both the nicknames “All Blacks” and “All Whites” having been around for years as well as sporting books titled “Men in Black and “Men in White”, coupled with the clear delineation between the type of cricket played in white as opposed to other coloured clothing I can’t believe that any observer in their right mind, however biased, is seriously going to believe that any offence at all was intended by the Otago association or indeed foreseen.
Reading this thread I think we all agree that it’s not the best of slogans but the readiness of WIPA to express “vehement condemnation” is what I think is sad, and not a little worrying.
Before I go on silentstriker is, of course, absolutely right that 500 years of history can’t be swept away by one generation of change – the 68 year old African American I saw interviewed during the US hustings cannot be expected to change his attitude after being orphaned by the KKK just because Obama has been elected any more than my old neighbour who spent three years on the Burma Railway in WW2 was ever going to react other than with the understandable apoplectic rage that he did when the Japanese premier apologised to him and his comrades for the privations they went through during that time.
Having said that I maintain there is a responsibility on our generations to try and get over this – I would suggest that more than 95% of people today are not racist – the sub5% minority is and has been dwindling but we are on the cusp of a world wide recession – people in difficulty tend to blame their problems on and pick on minorities – xenophobia can quickly take hold – If they have the wit to have spotted it WIPA’s reaction will have brought whoops of delight within the hierarchy of that execrable UK organisation the British National Party and I fear that they and other, worse, organisations are going to pick up support by exploiting these apparent divisions.
When this happens what is needed is for WIPA to have a quiet word, say to Otago “we don’t like it”, and, as they would and have, for Otago to say “whoops sorry lads – didn’t think – withdrawn it now” the alternative that we are witnessing just plays into the hands of the real racists.