archie mac
International Coach
Conjecture to me is basically a guess. I think it just about impossible to compare the players from different eras as thing have changed so much. So as I have said before I think the only way in to compare them is to compare them with their contemporaries.C_C said:Conjencture is when you dont know either which way but prefer to find one way more valid than another.
Ie, i think they might've been good and its just as likely that they might've been really poor.
To assume that they would've been good is conjencture....... just as big a conjencture to say that they still would've failed ( which is not what i am saying)...the only credible way you can compare is not be subject to such conjencture and compare the game of player1 to player2 according to the quality at which they performed when they were active...
There is a book called the 'top 100 & the First 11' in the book they compared players (Aust.) with their contemporaries using a formula. I thought the plan floored because those of Bradman's era were at a big disadvantage.