Brett Lee's body seems to be starting to get the better of him, it is subtle, but the 'snap' seems to be gone - it all seems very formulaic - Watson esque. He seems to, dare I say it, have Watson syndrome, in which quick, accurate deliveries are harmless. However, this is not to say that it is finished (such an idea is absurd), just a mere impressiveness that it took until the 2007/8 and this season for any sort of aging to be seen in the bowling of the 31 year old, relatively short quickie - and the guy can still crank it up to 150kph as in the IPL. Lee is a physical specimen, no doubt. I'd have to say that at the age of 16, I cannot replicate many parts of his action on their own, such as the stump high, at least 2m long jump, or the tremendously high front leg.
Just re-reading that, I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but just my thoughts.