Prince EWS
Global Moderator
It's a very positive step anyway IMO. If the ECB discover that the removal of Kolpak players has weakened the competition to a large extent, they can always increase the number of overseas players allowed per team.I think the unpalatable truth is that we do have too many first-class entities for the English/British player base to sustain. More people play cricket in Australia in real as well as pro-rata terms, but they do very well on only 6 FC states.
It's also the teams most in danger of the chop (in my estimation, obviously) who are most reliant on Kolpaks. I'm thinking here of Northants, Derbyshire & Leicestershire, primarily. As a fan myself I sympathise with supporters of any team that might cease to exist (in its current form, at any rate), but if these counties aren't self-sufficient financially and are propped up with southern African playing talent they become a net drain on resources.
It's all about finding a balance between providing a high standard of cricket and providing sufficient opportunities for English cricketers - at the moment, the ECB are without power in finding this balance. If the Kolpak rules are axed then the balance will probably have to be tinkered, but it gives the ECB the power to get it where they want it.