I'm not saying Sir Viv was better than Sir Gary i am questioning your notion that Sobers was better @ scoring runs than Richards given you have not
SEEN them. The idea i get from people who i know that have seen both play outside the CW community (would include my father his elder friends, astutue global commentators & writers, my white granps who has seen cricket @ OT since 1928/29 although hasn't been able to go to test since 2001 give serious arthritis but his brain is in solid order, other granps in T&T who has seen most test @ the QPO since 1954) give me the idea that you couldn't really separate Viv & Sobers on ability only thing is that Richards was more destructive & intimidating while Sobers was more elegant.
On Headley my white granps doesn't rate him as highly as Viv & Sobers but having just spoken with him does reckon he played the second greatest innings he has seen in a test match here second only the a knock by Hunte in 1961, but after running through OT ground stats i reckon he missed Hunte's actual knock by 2 years

but you get the jist son..
My point simply is this to you and many on CWers is that their is absolutely no way we can judge a
greatplayers with certaintly who we have not seen throughout their careers & just based it on what the stats tell us because we can be misguided. All we do is make educated guesses and generally loose the plot.