Yes, but I'm asking what do people think would've happened if Proctor only banned him for one.
If this is a survey, I too come down on the side of - wouldnt have made a bit of difference.
Three match ban for a 2.8 offense would've worked much better, I quite agree with that.
Three things sealed it:
- Think the BCCI official has it right, very hard for Indians to accept a charge of racism.
[ Whether such charges have a basis or not is a different question, and certainly Indians
have their own sins and prejudices, but Indians as a group have gone farther than most
in fighting them (Gandhi in SA, upto supporting Mandela) and trying to clean their own house
(reservations) ]. This, pretty much, was the crux of Harbhajan's mother getting upset over this episode*.
- Tendulkar stuck his neck out. Again whether he was privy to all that went on or not is
a different question. But Proctor clearly disregarded his testimony and while Indians
are ready to suspect the worst about Harbhajan, Tendulkar is in a very different
class. (clearly was enough for me to think that this was not a cut and dried case).
- The Australian players had no real proof, there was enough reason to suspect a misunderstanding (for eg I would expect Harbhajan to come out swinging in Hindi and not English if he really loses it), and most of all didnt seem that there were any lofty principles involved as far as Symonds was concerned.
(* Personally : Harbhajan has many undesirable qualities, one of which is a lack of control over his emotions and behaviour. However, he strikes me as one of the Indian players with fewest airs and most likely to be at home amongst the masses, to be stereotypically precise - in a dhaba. Very hard to associate that quality with racism. )