Having just read said gag, I'm truly astonished, for a number of reasons. I can't be expected to be completely unbiased here as Bennett is generally someone I consider quite a good friend.
But a few things to consider...
1, Bennett's record isn't "clean" as such. We all know him to be someone who'd, really, never do any harm to anyone, he's one of the least malicious people on here. But he has "previous", as it were, in disagreement with Mods. He was once told "you're getting seriously close to banning territory here".
2, I know beyond a doubt that James is hugely keen - and very rightly so IMO - to take a very hard line against ANYTHING, any gag, which is seen to be disparaging towards Islam. There's far, far too much of it out there from people both a) idiots who don't have the foggiest understanding of the religion and b) people who don't engage brain before gagging. Bennett knows this, and should have thought before posting. I presume he'll read this, and if you do, Stedsos, I'm well aware that I'm guilty of this often enough too, so it might sound a bit, shall we say, Rich, me saying that.
3, There has actually been a previous case none too dissimilar to this involving a Staff Member who received censure (though not in the form of a 7-day ban) for making gags that were dangerously easy to be interpreted as being disparaging about Islam. It's particularly essential that Staff Members aren't seen to be endorsing the stupidity that so many engage in (mostly out of the public eye).
All this said, there's no way on Earth I'd have 7-dayed him. Why? Because I know full well that people - worthy souls in every way - can be a bit stupid with their posts sometimes. Equally, look at the thread title - it specifically states that the gag is a lame one. And I know people who I know IRL and think very highly of who'd not hesitate to make that gag. Heck, I'd probably laugh, much as I deplored the fact that there was any sense of Islamic-mocking. Why? For no other reason that the gag was made by a friend of mine. If it'd been someone in the street who I'd never seen before, I'd seriously consider punching them.