International Debutant
It's nothing of the sort, it's clear to see that I thought your question and point was idiotic and treated it with the kind of response deemed worthy of it.Majin,
It's clear to see, and just as I expected, from your snide retort to my constructive question, that you know you are wrong in condoning this.
No, actually. That's something that's been part of storytelling history for the best part of 70 years, actually. Again, I don't know where you've been for the past however many years because this sort of character has infiltrated virtually all forms of entertainment currently available to us.In fact, it really should paint the person who says those lines as the "heel." The "good guy" doesn't talk like that. But that's the WWE isn't it?
Shock horror it might be to learn, but everybody has a personal opinion (you might like to read up on that one) on just about everything, and everyone is perfectly entitled to their own, just like you are allowed to claim that Jericho's promos are pathetic.
I think you are forgetting that at the end of the day, WWE is a massive business organization, and everything they do is geared around making a profit. They only put this out there because people want it, and considering the amount of money they make from live shows, merchandising etc, people clearly want it. Hell, you just listen to the crowd reaction to Jericho's segment for proof of that. So don't tell me I know I'm wrong, you don't have the right to tell me I'm doing anything when you haven't got a clue.
This is just a wrestling promo at the end of the day, the comments made were totally irrelevant to any bigger picture, they were just random inane comments made which, however hard it is to believe apparently, people find amusing. I don't know why you're taking someone who acts as obviously hokey as Jericho does seriously, people like the Jericho character act the way they do because it's amusing with people overreact to them when there's really no issue to begin with.
edit: and for the record, that's going to be my last post on the matter because I can't be arsed for debating opinion. You've got yours, I've got mine, they're both out there in the open, and that's that. I'm not going to change my mind because of what you say and vice versa, it's not going to go anywhere else but around in circles so yeah. So if you're still going to post on it that's fine, but I won't be arsed to reply, so yeah.
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