Agreed. I've got another 2 weeks of cup cricket to go. Whoa yeahOn a more practical note, would it make sense if we were to give the people still in the cup, i.e. Scaly, Adam, Nibbs, Mahindinho etc, a bye through to the second stage of the competition, A, because they're almost certainly going to reach it in any case, and B, so we could draw up groups and get cracking this weekend.
Later, Trevor, Nationwide, Vayro (Proud to be different!)
You need to be aware though that there is a lot to this forum beyond the BT thread, and frankly I would be surprised if anything he posted in the BT thread contributed significantly to his banning. There were worse incidents in other parts of the forum that I am aware of, though I'm not aware of any specific incident that resulted in the eventual six-month ban. I do agree though that the length of the ban in relation to whatever offences he may have committed seems needlessly excessive; it just seems a bit immature banning someone from an internet forum for six months.Team: Cymru Gurgitaters (3688)
Username: trevor_vayro
Couldn't disagree more strongly with the sentiments which have so far been expressed Re: Rodgie.
A. I don't accept the legitimacy of his ban, or at the very least the draconian and disproportionate length of his ban. This amounts to a popularity contest, and whilst he could get up my nose as much as the next person, neither I or any of you have the right to affectively expunge him from the face of the earth. Do you want to be a part of the kind'a community where unpopular opinions are sat upon and their authors persecuted? It's not for me!
B. This whole sorry passage has demonstrated to me that, whilst Rodgie undoubtedly has a lot of growing up to do, he's by far the only member. Setting aside for one moment the transgressions for which he's ostensibly being punished, the reason why matters came to a head, that his ban is so long, and was implemented to such all-round approval, is simply because a few people couldn't take criticism of their imaginary cricket teams from a sixteen year old kid. If you ask me, that says more about them than Rodgie!
C. Whilst the CW Cup is so called, it is, to the best of my knowledge, in no way sanctioned or sponsored by CW - Therefore the argument that only current CW members can participate holds no water whatsoever. I wonder whether the same rigid criteria would be applied if Hoggy31 or Xuhabe wished to join? - Neither of whom have posted for a year or so, and therefore. couldn't be classed as current members in any meaningful sense.
D. When running any kind of sports competition it always helps to have as many participants as possible, as it gives you so many more options with regards to formats etc. Therefore we should be grateful of anyone who wants to join.
I'm painfully aware that this is my first CW Cup, and as such I have little or no right to lecture the rest of you, but this whole Rodgie business has been getting under my skin for a while now. I know how you all feel, he isn't exactly my cup of tea either, but this is just mob rule and bullying!
On a more practical note, would it make sense if we were to give the people still in the cup, i.e. Scaly, Adam, Nibbs, Mahindinho etc, a bye through to the second stage of the competition, A, because they're almost certainly going to reach it in any case, and B, so we could draw up groups and get cracking this weekend.
Later, Trevor, Nationwide, Vayro (Proud to be different!)