Right, is everyone happy now? Dontcloseyoureyes replaces Mark as a C Seed. Rodgie should consider himself lucky to be in at all, considering I've flown in the face of popular opinion to include him in the first place!
the last 16)
1. Adam
2. Scaly
3. Nibbs
4. Mahindinho
B Seeds: (1 per group, highest meets lowest C Seeds)
1. Nooga99
2. Superkingdiv
3. Samuel_Vimes
4. Brynovo
5. Robertinho
6. Trevor_vayro
C Seeds: (1 per Group, highest meets loweest B seeds)
1. Agent TBY
2. Jamee999
3. Andy
4. Cricketboy
5. Chaminda_00
6. Dontcloseyoureyes
Group A:
Nooga99, Dontcloseyoureyes, Bobisback, Jungle Jumbo, Earlobe
Group B:
Superkingdiv, Chaminda_00, Bugsy, NZTailender
Group C:
Samuel_Vimes, Cricketboy, Clapo, Alternative
Group D:
Brynovo, Andy, New-Age_ar, Cameeel
Group E:
Robertinho, Jamee999, MikeW, Spitfires_Fan
Group F:
Trevor_vayro, Agent TBY, Oz_Fan, Rodgie